First Prank.

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I looked around the crowded airport suitcases in hand looking for something to indicate where I should go when I finally spotted a old man holding a sign with my name on it "Avery Clarke?" I asked smiling up to the man "I'm Charles I've been asked to come collect you" He said taking two of my bags and started walking towards the black range rover, "Oh the boys are going to love you" He said looking at my outfit which consisted of a black crop top and black high waisted short shorts and black toms "Erm boys?" I asking while watching him place my bags in the boot "Never mind" he laughed I sighed and got into the car and waited for him to get in.

20 minuets later and we pulled up in front of a gorgeous white mansion and my mouth dropped, I stood by the car for a few minuets before I noticed Charles and the cars and my bags were gone, I blushed and walked to the front door and pressed the bell "You must be Avery, Don't knock again here" a woman said happily pushing me lightly inside and handing me a set of keys, I looked at them curiously before putting them in my pocket. "Follow me and come meet the boys, oh I'm Marissa" She said grabbing my hand and leading me into the living room where 8 boys were all watching something on the Television "Boys" Marissa said kindly "Meet Avery" as soon as she said my name the boys all stood up in a line and looked my up and down with their mouths open "Close your mouths you'll catch flies" I smirked closing one's mouth with my hand. He had Blonde hair and Hazel eyes, he was definitely the best looking. They all closed their mouths "Boys. Tell Avery your name and age" She said pointing to the boy who I was stood closest too "Cameron 16" He smiled, I nodded. The next boy had Light brown hair and Brown eyes "Elliot 16" He smiled. "Theo 12" The smallest boy said I bent down to his level and smiled "Aren't you adorable" I said messing up his hair, He let out a small laugh, I stood up straight and looked at the next boy "Alex 21" He said rudely "Great." I scoffed before looking to the next "Steven, I'm 17 but you can call me baby" He winked "You're okay thanks" I laughed followed by a few muffled laughs from Cameron and Elliot, "David, I'm 17" The next smiled showing his beautiful teeth I smiled before looking to the next two who smiled at each other "Liam" "Harry" They said quickly not giving me time to respond, They both looked at each other again "18" they both said at the same time, They were definitely close, "Wait she knows how old we are, how old are you" Elliot asked, I stood back next to Marissa "16" I smiled, they all nodded and went back to watching Television except Cameron "Cameron Hun can you show Avery around I need to go tell your dad Avery's here" He smiled "Sure mum" He said while kissing her on the cheek "Follow me" he said with a smile. I nodded. "Basement is the Man Cave but I wouldn't go in there if you Liam and Harry hate  girls going down there" He chuckled "Ground floor is the living room, Kitchen, dining room and Trophy room" He smiled at me and I nodded indicating he could continue "First floor" he started leading me to the elevator and stepping inside with me behind it and pressing the number 1 "Here we have Your room" He said pointing to a red door "Elliot's room" He said pointing to the one on the left with a light blue door "My room" He said pointing to the one on the right of my door with a dark blue door "Theo's" he said pointing to a dark purple door on the other side of Elliot's door "and Steven's room" He said pointing to a yellow door next to Theo's, He lead me back to the elevator and pressed 2, "the second floor we have David, Liam and Harry " he said pointing to a Orange door than a Light Purple door then a dark green door, I looked at the white one "What's that" I said pointing to it "Games room. It has a x-box, Playstation, wii, pool table and a dance mat" he said smiling down at me. I sighed "This is a big house" "there's more" He said as we stepped into the elevator and he pressed 3 "Third floor is the floor we don't really go on, It's mums and dads offices and rooms" He said without stepping out of the elevator I looked at the buttons "Roof?" I asked reading the top button. He smiled a pressed it "This isn't used often" he said stepping out of the elevator I looked around and there was 9 deck chairs with cushions on all matching the colours of our doors. I smiled and stepped back in the elevator "Where you going?" He asked stepping inside too "I still have to see the garden" I smiled pressing the G button He smiled at me all the way down "Okay so the garden is simple there's the pool, deck chairs, basket ball court and horses and garage just past the tree's" he laughed "Big house" I said smiling at him, He opened his mouth but I was lifted of the ground and threw in the pool, I was an amazing swimmer but I thought I'd trick who ever threw me in here and I squirmed around a bit at the bottom of the pool before floating up face down holding my breath "Steven what have you done" I heard Cameron's voice panic "I just wanted to play a prank on her and welcome her to the family I... I didn't know she couldn't swim" I heard someone's fist connect with someone's face followed by a groan. I got out of the pool and saw Steven on the floor holding his bloody nose and Elliot holding his fist "Thanks El" I said kissing his cheek before getting a towel of the rack and walking inside smirking.

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