Just Stay Away.

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~Avery's POV~

"Nice of you to join us" Mel smiled sarcasticly at a very late Amy, I looked at her with nothing but confusion, "Sorry" she muttered as she took her seat next to me, I smiled at her before leaning over and whispering "going to tell me who it is?" before leaning back and smirking at a shocked Amy "what do you mean?" she asked dumbly "I know you was with someone" I smiled as I leaned back over to whisper in her ear, I took that as a opportunity to sniff up hoping to get some kind of male aftershave or deodorant smell of her but got nothing but girl Lynx, I was about to apologize when she leaned over "fine, I was but you can't tell anyone" I looked at her with wide eyes. She didn't have to tell me who it is, I know who it is now. Elliot. My eyes turned black as I stood up ignoring everyone's protests and questions as I walked out the door and down to the room I knew Elliot was in, I looked through the window of the door making sure I had the right room and sure enough there he was, his brown hair in it's usual gelled mess, I sighed trying to calm my self. I knocked on the door before opening the door and smiling at Mr Harrison, "sorry sir, can I have a word with Elliot, It's rather important" I smiled politely while looking at Elliot, his face showed nothing but fear, I smirked at him before turning back to Mr, Harrison "sure" he smiled before excusing Elliot, I smiled "thank-you" before turning around and walking out of the room with Elliot following me.

When we was sure that the corridor was empty and no-one could hear us I blew up. "Got something to tell me?" I asked angrily, my eyes getting darker and darker "she told you?" he asked frustrated "we was going to tell everyone tonight" he explained, "I don't care Elliot! I trusted you, I'm your best friend yet you keep this from me, you know I would have supported you and I wouldn't have said anything unless you wanted me to. Why would you keep this from me?" I shouted causing Elliot to flinch "we wanted to keep it a secret without being jugdged" Elliot said quietly only making me angrier "I wouldn't judge you Elliot! I would have supported you, I thought you trusted me but obviously not" I shouted with tears of be trail pricking my eyes "Don't cry Ave, I'm sorry" Elliot begged "how long?" I asked softly "a few days" he replied sadly "Idiot" I groaned before turning around and walking away while tears fell down my face "I'm sorry" he shouted back "just stay away" I shouted before running out of school and running home not caring that it was raining. He betrayed me, nothing can make that better. I slowed my feet down and carried on walking in a slow walk focusing on the rain and how great it sounded. Rain always calmed me down. I made it to the Foster home, soaking wet from the rain. "Avery" Cameron's panicked voice called just before he appeared in font of me "what happened" he asked with worry "ask Elliot" I spat before running past him and up the stairs into my room, I don't care if it's pathetic, he shouldn't have kept it from me. I no longer have a bestfriend.

Authors Note - to anyone saying that Avery is over reacting, please read this comment that @Panda_Berry left 'In order to have a best friend you have to trust and respect each other not only did she say for him to wait until Amy was ready she supported them all the way only to find out he was hiding it from her I know how she feels so over-dramatic or drama queen is far from true' If you are going to read the sequel you will find out about Avery's past more and more, a lot of her trust issues come from Joey. Also her mum constantly left her alone to go on business trips and her dad was never involved in her life, she has been constantly lied to and let down, this is why she reacted the way she did. 

Either way I hope you are enjoying this story, I hold it very close to my heart. - Updated 4/4/16

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