How Can I Fix It?

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~Cameron's POV~

"We're together" Elliot and Amy announced. A little over a hour ago we all got a text to come to the Foster house and this was why, so Amy and Elliot could tell everyone they we're together, it all makes sense now, why Avery's been locked in her room since she got home and why she isn't letting anyone in. Knowing Elliot is the reason Avery feels the way she does makes my blood boil. "It's your fault" I whispered to myself finally piecing it all together "what?" Amy asked "It's your fault" I shouted while standing "Woah, calm down" Liam laughed "Don't tell me what to do Liam, Notice how Avery's not here and how she's been kept up in her room since she got home. It's Elliot's fault" I shouted without tearing my murderous gaze from Elliot's fearful one "Cam, Listen" Elliot begged "no! You kept this from her and now she's blocking everyone out just because you didn't tell her" I shouted before storming out of the room and up to Avery's. I knocked on the red door that has been locked shut for a hour now "go" she sobbed "Ave, Let me it. I know what he did" I sighed through the door. I waited for any indication she has unlocked the door, I finally heard the click of the lock unlocking causing me to let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding.

"I'm sorry" she sighed from her curled up state on the bed, "It's okay" I smiled softly as I lead next to her causing her to turn over and cuddle into my chest "I just hate it when people keep things from me" she sighed "I understand, we don't have to talk about it" I smiled while playing with her hair. Half a hour later and I heard soft snores coming from her slightly parted mouth causing me to smile at how beautiful she is, even when she's asleep. I kissed the top of her head before letting sleep take me over.

~Liam's POV~

I watched as Cameron stormed off most likely to go comfort Avery, I can't help how protective I feel for her so knowing that she was broken and upset because Elliot kept this from her made my anger out of control "I'm disappointed in you" I shook my head at Elliot "Liam, Listen. Amy wanted to keep it a secret, I was just respecting her request" Elliot tried to reason "You should of explained to Amy your and Avery's relationship and how it's important to her and you that you don't keep secrets. We all know Avery wouldn't have do anything but support you but now you've lost her, but maybe it's not just you. Maybe because of your lack of trust in her, we might of all lost her. Like I said, I'm very Disappointed" I shook my head again before walking into the man cave, "Harry, Don't follow me please" I sighed before continuing walking away "I'm sorry" Elliot shouted, most likely so me, Avery and Cameron would all hear it. I reached the man cave and pulled on a book on the shelf causing the wall to open slightly enough for me to fit through and reach my own private personal room. No-one knows about this but me, I sighed as collapsed on the couch, What can I do to fix this?

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