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~Avery's POV~

Silence, the only thing I could hear was silence and it was eating my up. I swear I was going to go insane. I looked at Liam's memory wall then over to the bare wall oposite then it clicked, I know what I can do to make me feel better. I ran out of the room and up the stairs to my bedroom where Elisha and Miranda was "Ave" they both said symotaniously "no time, get Liam and go to the store and get me some bluetac and red paint" I rushed as I grabbed the three photo albums I brought with me from my old house, they both hurried off knowing not to question me. I walked out of my bedroom with my photo albums and I ran into David on the way "Ave" he started "I'm fine" I rushed as I ran past him and down back to the man cave,. My phone buzzed in my pocket and that's when I realised it had been going off for the past hour and I haven't checked it, I had a text off all the Foster family and my friends, I set my photo albums down and pulled out my phone as I sat on the phone. Numerous text's appearing in my inbox. I sighed before reading them all.

Lola - 'Cameron told me, I'm here for you Ave. I'll ring you tomorrow. I love you plum xxx' My Reply - 'I love you too Lo, just need time I guess x'

Rachel - 'Lola told us all, I don't know what it's like to loose someone but I promise I'm here if you need me. Thinking of you x' My Reply - 'Thank-you Rach x'

Miranda - 'Princess, You can do this. We're here for you all of us. I'm here for you. Be Strong xx' My Reply - 'Is there any other way to be?xx'

Elisha - 'Ave, oh gosh. Come to me if you need me xo' My Reply - 'I will babs, Thanks x'

Reece - 'I'm so so sorry x' My Reply - 'It's okay Reece, Come see me tomorrow, with the others, we'll have a movie day, let the others know xx'

Amy - 'I know you hate me for what I did but I want you to know, I love you. x' My Reply - 'I did hate you, Today made me realise you can't loose people who mean something to you because you'll never know when you'll loose them for good. I love you too Amz, but you really should have told me x'

Kira - 'I'm here for you x' My Reply - 'xoxo' 

Michelle - 'I've not gone through what you're going through but I'm here to help, don't block us out x' My Reply - 'Never x'

Katie - 'Head up chick x' My Reply - 'Smile on x'

Marissa - 'Liam told me he showed you, Don't worry I wont invaide. Come to me if you need me sweet pea x' My Reply - 'Same goes Marissa x'

Elliot - 'I know you hate me but please please remember where I am if you need me x' My Reply - 'Light blue door, I got it. Expect me at 7:30 x'

Cameron - 'Babe, Oh babe, I don't know what to say. Stay in my room if you need someone. x' My Reply - 'I will. Just got stuff to do first babe, Thank-you x'

Alex - 'I love you.' My Reply - 'Red door at 8pm. Be there x'

Steven - 'Always here x' My Reply 'xoxo'

David - 'Ice cream and a film tomorrow? x' My reply - 'I'm inviting everyone, tell the boys. x'

Liam - 'Going to get the stuff, I'll bring it down to you x' My Reply - 'Thank you x'

Harry - ' xxx ' My Reply - 'We need to talk, tomorrow 12pm Red door x'

Robert - 'I have a surprise, meet me at the large oak tree at 9pm, don't let anyone see you x' My Reply - 'I'll be there x'

I know some where simple replys but that's all that was needed, I was curious at what Rob wanted to show me, oh well. Only have to wait till 9, it's now 6, I have 1 hour and 3 minuets to get this done before I have to go to see Elliot. Better get started, just as I sorted everything out there was a knock on the bookcase, I knew it was Liam, only he would knock. I smiled as he handed me the stuff "I'll tell you when I'm done and you can come see it" I smiled at him, he simply nodded and walked away. So I got to work.

~Time Bounce~

"Ell?" I asked as I opened the Light Blue door, Elliot was sat on his bed with his legs crossed. His eyes met mine and softened "I'm sorry" he said as I sat next to him "I know" I smiled as I placed my hand over his squeezing it lightly "did David tell you?" I asked and he nodded "film and munch, we all got the mass text" he laughed slightly "am I forgiven?" he asked after a short silence "remember how Steven appologised?" I laughed "yup, I got the pictures and video" he laughed remembering the memory "top it" I smirked before walking out but not without sending a small wink. 7:55pm. My phone said time to go talk to Alex I thought before walking into my room and sure enough Alex was sat on my bed "you're early" I commented. Alex looked up into my eyes, his bright blue eyes wet and bloodshot, he had been crying. I walked over slowly and sat next to him and led my head on his shoulder and looked down to the picture he was holding and it instantly brought tears to my eyes. I don't remember this picture being taken but it was my mum, Marissa and Alex. Alex was holding a small baby wrapped in a pink blanket, this photo looked like it was took in a hospital, "it was the day you was born" Alex sniffled, this is the second time I've ever seen him cry "it's also the day we moved" he sniffled as a tear fell out of his eye and onto the picture, I would be crying but my eyes are dried up "it was the day I gave you this" he smiled as he pointed to the heart locket that was around my neck, it has a red gem in the middle in the shape of a heart and I haven't taken it off in forever, I never knew why I just couldn't, he picked it up and opened it. There wasn't pictures like there should be there was words, just two. Us Forever. "I made you a promise that even though we was apart we would be together forever" he smiled sadly "then why was you so mean and closed off when I turned up?" I asked as he closed the locket and let it fall back in place "I felt like I broke the promise, I couldn't loose you again" he sighed as he finally looked me in the eye "she talked about you a lot you know" I smiled as I looked back at the photo "she did?" he asked as another tear fell out of his eye "she told me that when I was little I had this night in shining armor, and even though I didn't know him for long he still protects me to this day, she said his name was Alex. She also said that she had this son, that wasn't hers but was still hers at heart. She told me different story's about when I was in her tummy and you'd talk to me when you came round" I smiled as I looked at him "She told me this everyday on my birthday and said that one day I'll meet him again and when I do it'll be like two soles have reconnected" I smiled as he looked into my eyes "she was the sweetest, kindest and most amazing woman anyone knew" he smiled as he cupped my cheek "she loved you" he continued "she loved us" I smiled before pulling into a hug "we can do this" I smiled. Shortly after Alex left due to being tired from crying so much then I looked at the time 8:50, Time for Robert.

"Hey" I smiled at Rob as he was stood by the oak tree "hey sugar plum" he smiled as he brought me into a hug "I haven't been around much but I want to show you something, while you've been doing what you've been doing I had this made" he smiled as he showed me the bench we was stood by, how I didn't notice this when I got here I have no idea. "Lila Clarke - Mother, Friend and Hero" I read it out load, I smiled back at Rob "it's perfect" I wispered as I pulled him into a  hug "Hero?" I asked "We would have phone calls when you was little and one day you spoke about hero day at school, I asked you who you went as and you said your mum" he smiled as he ran his fingers over the bench "I'll leave you two alone" he smiled as he walked away. I looked at the bench and sighed "I'm sorry, I'm just not ready" I sighed once more before running inside. "Liam" I called over the intercom "Mancave" I said again before running to the mancave and opening the passage way and standing in the small room waiting for Liam. "Yes?" He smiled as he came in, "how do you like it?" I asked as I gestured to the wall "it's perfect" he smiled. I looked over my masterpiece, the wall was covered in photo's, some of the boys that Marissa gave me when I came here, some of my mum, a few of my dad, baby photo's of me, the same one Alex was looking at before and loads more, some of friends from back home and some of friends from here and it the middle was 'Moment's' written in red "you have your memory wall and I have my moments wall" I smiled at Liam as he looked over different photo's "why moments?" he asked while looking at one of me and Elisha doing handstands infront of a sunrise "moment's are stuck in time, much like these photo's" I smiled "smart" he commented "I'm going bed" I smiled "night Ave" he smiled while kissing me on top of my head. I walked up the stairs and into Cameron's room where he was led in the bed waiting for me "want to talk?" he asked as I cuddled into him "no" I yawned before letting sleep take me under.

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