Cole Sanders.

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~Avery's POV~

"Ell, you heard how Cam is?" I asked Elliot worriedly when I walked out of English with Lola by my side, "mum think's it a stomach bug but he should be fine tomorrow" Elliot smiled down at me warmly "I wish I could have stayed home with him" I said sadly while wrapping a arm around Elliot's waist, "I know, I know" Elliot whispers while kissing the top of my head.

"Fooood" Lola screamed while charging for the canteen causing me to laugh and run by her side. "Being out of that cheerleaders outfit really has made a improvement" I laughed as we stood in the diner line with our trays in hand, "It's because I don't have to be stick thin anymore" she laughed while she piled her tray with food, me on the other hand just grabbed a apple, "Babe, why starve yourself you're perfect as you are" I heard a male unknown voice say from behind me causing me and Lola to chuckle "I'm sorry but my appetite has nothing to do with you" I said turning to face the brunette with brown eyes, I'll admit he is gorgeous but still Cameron's better. "Fair enough babe" he said with a wink causing my insides to turn, and not in a good way, "come on" Lola laughed slightly, just as I begin walking away I feel a pinch on my bottom causing me to pause and gasp. "I know no idea who you are but never lay a finger on me like that again" I screamed while turning and getting into his face without a second thought.

~Liam's POV~

"I know no idea who you are but never lay a finger on me like that again" I heard Avery's horrified voice call from the other end of the canteen causing mine and Harry's head's to instantly turn to her direction, I looked at Harry with obvious anger in both our faces. Harry nodded before we made our way over to Avery's direction. "Liam leave it, he's not worth it" Avery said as soon as we got close enough to her, "No-one has a right to touch you in inappropriate places Avery. Not even Cole Sanders" I spat at Cole causing him to chuckle "You may be a Foster but stay out of this Liam" Cole snapped back in my direction "Wait, Sanders? as in Katie Sanders?" Avery asked while looking towards Cole, "Oh, I'm sure Katie's going to love this" Avery chuckled emptily before turning around and walking away dragging me and Harry with her. "Bye babe, this was fun" Cole laughed from behind us, causing a unusual bubble of protection to surface in the pit of my stomach, before I could register what was happening my fist connected with Cole's face causing his nose and lip to bleed. Satisfied I walked back over to Avery only to be met by a slap to the face.

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