Andy and Ell.

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~Cameron's POV~

"Dinner" mums voice called through the house followed by what sounded like a herd of elephants racing downstairs, I chuckled lightly before placing my laptop on the blue covers and making my way downstairs where sure enough everyone was sat "Where's Avery?" Elliot asked when I took my seat "Don't know" I shrugged curiosity sitting in the pit of my stomach "How was her first day?" Mum asked with worry "Fine. She should be over the moon after what Steven did" Elliot responded "El go get her please" mum smiled at Elliot "Sure" he smiled standing from the table my curiosity joined by jealousy.

~Elliot's POV~

I walked towards the never yet used  red door, I knocked lightly "come in" Avery's voice called but it seemed different. I slowly opened the door and Instantly saw her petite body sat on her desk chair with her back towards me what appeared to be skyping "Dinner's ready" I smiled when I reached her noticing her tear stained cheeks "Not hungry" she sniffled "Who's that Ave?" I heard a beautiful voice call from the laptop "This is Elliot" Avery replied happily pulling me in to the camera's view "He's hot" another voice  called causing Avery to roll her eyes "El this is Miranda and Elisha" Avery said pointing to a brown haired girl then and blonde haired girl "Nice to meet you" I smiled into the camera "So are you and Ave together?" Miranda asked causing me and Avery to look at each other and laugh "No. Though Avery is beautiful" I started kissing Avery on the cheek "she's like my best friend and sister" I smiled "going soft El" Avery winked "in your dreams" I said with a chuckle "Guys what's taking you so long?" I heard Cameron's rather load voice yell "Guys want to meet the others?" Avery smiled into the camera "Sure" they both replied.

~Avery's POV~

"Marissa I know you all are eating but I'd like to introduce you all to some friends" I smiled entering the dining room "sure" she smiled "Okay Andy, Ellie this is Marissa" I smiled putting the laptop above Marissa's food so she was in camera view "Girls" she smiled causing them to wave "Next is Theo" I smiled putting the laptop in front of Theo "awr" they both gushed "he's adorable" Miranda smiled "not when he wakes you up at 3 in the morning he's not" I scolded "Next is Liam" I smiled putting the laptop in front of Liam "Hello" he smiled into the camera "so you getting with him then Ave" Elisha called "No. I'm not getting with any of them" I scolded before my gaze caught Cameron's before moving on "this is..." I started only to be interrupted "Ellie did you see that" Miranda asked "Yup" Elisha smiled "what?" I asked "you're eyebrow raised and that mean's you're lying or you like someone" Miranda smiled "Wait her eyebrow raises when she lies" Elliot rushed into the Camera causing Miranda and Elisha to nod "Cool" Elliot smiled evily causing me to frown "this is Harry" I smiled "Cool hair" Elisha smirked "It takes time" Harry smiled causing me to laugh "This is Robert" I smiled putting the laptop in front of Robert "Nice to meet you" he greeted "you too" Miranda and Elisha smiled simultaneously "this is David" I smiled at David putting the laptop in front of him "Hot" they both said "Girls" he smiled "He's taken" I sighed at the three causing Miranda and Elisha to frown with disappointment "This is Alex" I sighed putting the laptop in front of Alex "Girls" he winked causing Miranda and Elisha to giggle like the girls they are "Moving on" I sighed putting the camera in front of Steven "this is Steven" I smiled "Hello" he smiled kindly "Hey" they both waved "Oh Ave come beach with us and some friends from school tomorrow?" Steven smiled "Going to throw me in the sea?" I smirked "I've learnt my lesson" he smiled putting his hands up "fine" I sighed "Is that the one?" Miranda asked raising a eyebrow "No" I sighed rolling my eyes "Finally Cameron" I smiled ignoring the butterfly's in the pit of my stomach "Hey" he said "See that Ellie? Same hair colour, same eye colour" Miranda gasped "Wait what?" I asked "Joey, Joey Henderson" Elisha gasped after I moved the laptop from Cameron and moved so It was just me in camera view causing me to get weird looks from the others in the room "From summer?" I asked "my ex? what about him?" I asked "They look so a like" Miranda gasped "No they don't Joey is nothing like Cameron" I scolded at the thought of Cameron being compared to someone who put me through hell "They do Ave" Elisha frowned "I have to go I'm sorry" I said sadly trying to fight the tears before closing the laptop and running upstairs with tears rolling down my face. 

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