Are You Really Still Mad?

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~Avery's POV~

I sighed as I rolled over and looked at the clock 11:33am. I rolled back onto my back and looked at the ceiling before getting up and jumping the the shower. I got out of the shower after doing my usual routine and began to get dressed. Once I liked my look I walked down the stairs my converse making slight tap noises as I walked down the stair case. I walked into the kitchen and saw Elliot and Liam whispering "morning" Liam smiled as he saw me "morning" I mumbled while pulling out a bowl and the cereal "Ave" Elliot breathed causing me to shake my head "It's been a week, are you really still mad?" he asked, I turned around with my bowl of cereal and death glared him causing him to sigh. I was sat quietly eating my frosties when the door bell rang, I thought about answering it but figured on of the boys would do it and I was right because next thing I know Liam came into the kitchen "someone's here for you" he smiled "no" I said simply before placing my empty bowl in the sink "really?" Elisha's voice said next causing tears to prick my eyes "Ell" I asked shock while spinning around and there they were, my best friends. The two people who helped me through so much, the two people I trusted the most "Andy" I smiled as they both dropped their bags and ran to me as tears ran down my face, I know stupid I'm crying but I'm so happy. 

"Ave" Cameron's voice said through the intercom "yes babe?" I replied "can I come in?" he asked and I could basically see the smirk on his face "you don't have to ask" I laughed in reply before the door opened and a shirtless Cameron walked in causing Elisha's and Miranda's eyes to go wide "you're druling" I laughed to the girls as he came closer, my comment must have snapped them out of it because they soon turned and blush "what do you need babe?" I smiled as he pulled me into a hug "you have my purple adidas top and I'm going running" he smiled as he opened my draw "you'll get it all sweaty and that's my favourite" I pouted as he pulled it over his head "you can have the blue one?" he compromised causing me to sigh but nod "I'll see you later?" he asked causing me to nod "Bye" I smiled as I pecked his lips, just as I was about to pull away he made the kiss deeper making my insides melt "okay enough of that" Liam laughed walking in the room "bye babe" I smiled pulling away "I hate you Liam" Cameron sighed in annoyance before walking out "Girls, mind if I borrow Ave? I need to show her something" Liam asked causing the girls to nod "Steven's taking us shopping or something anyway" Ellie nodded causing me to raise my eyebrows "he said he needed to talk to us" Miranda shrugged while standing up "he's up to something" I mumbled before following Liam down stairs. 

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