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~Cameron's POV~

"Ave" I sighed looking into her ocean like eyes "yes?" she said snapping me out of my daze "we need to talk" I sighed scratching the back of my head "Really because you've been avoiding me for a week" she said clearly angry "I know" I sighed again "well?" she asked "well?" I repeated "why have you?" she said "because of Elliot and Steven" I said mentally slapping myself "Elliot and Steven?" she asked her angry tone now soft and confused "when we got back, he yelled at me" I said.


"Cameron" Elliot yelled at my descending body "what?" I said with fear "Why did you kiss her?" he asked angrily now walking towards me "Don't give me a lecture El, I know it was wrong" I sighed turning to face him "so why do it?" he yelled in my face "what's going on here?" Steven said walking towards me and Elliot "ask him" Elliot said pointing angrily at me "what did you do?" Steven asked, I looked at his curious gaze before sighing and looking down "I kissed Avery" I said quietly hoping he didn't hear me "speak up buddy" Elliot patronised "I kissed Avery! okay? I kissed her and I'd do it again a million times over" I shouted in both their faces "you what?" Steven yelled "Yes. I kissed her, I know I can't and shouldn't like her but I do" I sighed taking a seat on the stairs we're stood by and putting my head in my hands "oh Cam" Elliot said sympatheticly "what am I going to do?" I asked close to tears "you need to talk to mum and dad and see if it's okay with them" Steven said "if what's okay with them?" I asked raising my head slightly "being with Avery" he sighed "I can't, what if she doesn't like me?" I asked "did you see the way she looks at you?" Elliot laughed "really? You think she'll like me?" I asked now lifting my head fully from my  hands "yes" Elliot said causing a smile to appear on my face "but Cam, Hurt her and I will break both your legs" Elliot smirked before walking away and up the stairs "ditto" Steven smiled walking back to the living room.

~End of Flashback~

"So?" She asked "so, I talk to my mum and dad" I smiled at her "and?" she asked a smile creeping up onto her face "they said it's fine" I smiled at her showing my teeth "Really?" she smiled brightly with happiness glistening in her eyes "so, Avery Zoey Clarke" I started smiling at her "will you be my girlfriend" I said happiness almost taking my breath "yes" I smiled before crashing her lips into mine. "Sorry to interrupt but you need to get back in here Avery" Avery's teacher said popping her head out the door "Yes Mel" Avery blushed before walking into the class room.

~Avery's POV~

"You do know how to ruin a moment" I sighed taking my seat "sorry" she said smiling "Mel, Can I call someone just for a second?" I asked causing Mel to nod and start a casual conversation with the rest of the class. I found the number I wanted to call and pressed 'call', pulling the phone to my ear and waiting for the ringing to stop "Hello" Marissa's voice said through the phone "so I talked to Cameron" I smiled twirling a piece of hair with my free hand, as soon as I said Cameron's name the class turned and looked at me "and?" Marissa's curious voice asked "he told me" I smiled once more "so is it official" she asked "yes" I giggled "are you sure you're ok with this?" I asked "yes" she confirmed "well bye Avery and I'm glad you're happy" she finalized "wait Marissa?" I asked "yes Avery?" she said politely "you know the movie thing going on tonight?" I asked trying to confirm she knew about it "yes?" she asked "can I invite a few friends over to stay?" I asked "you made friends finally" she sighed "Marissa" I scolded "yes sure hun, how many?" she asked "7?" I said nervously "fine, dominoes it is" she sighed "yes Dominoes, I love you Avery" Theo's voice called through the phone "Theo? why isn't he at school?" I asked "he didn't feel well" Marissa sighed "well bye Avery" she said again "wait" I rushed "what?" she wined child like "ones a boy" I smiled "fine" she sighed before hanging up. "Who's up for a sleepover" I smiled at the group.

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