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~Alex's POV~

Tick, Tick, Tick the clock repeated over and over again as I spooned the cereal into my mouth slowly, "how long have you been up?" Harry asked as he entered the kitchen "about three hours" I replied empty mindedly, "what's going on?" Harry asked with concern dripping from each word, "I'm fine" I said quietly as I stood up leaving Harry with my half-empty bowl of cereal.

I passed the familiar Red door while sighing as I heard Avery's giggle. "Alex" Avery sighed behind me as I reached my door, "what?" I snapped before swiftly turning around, "don't be mad" she begged as she took a step closed to me, "I'm not mad" I sighed before turning around and entering me room making sure to close it behind me.

"Alex, we need to talk" Cameron's voice boomed from the other side of my closed door, "no we don't" I sighed as I threw the ball in the air, catching it on it's way back down. I watched the bottom of the door while watching his shadow slowly disappear, thank god.

I walked out to my balcony, looking at my alarm clock on the way '2:36am'. I looked up at the sky, the stars shining in the sky, one was bigger and brighter then all the rest, I smiled at the shining star. "Happy Birthday Mercy"  I whispered "Daddy loves you" I smiled as a tear rolled down my face. 

I walked back inside and picked up the phone, not caring about the time, "hello" her quiet voice on the other end said, "Hol?" I asked into the phone, "Hey Alex" she replied, "I knew you'd be up" I said into the phone sadly "she would have been four right now" she replied as her voice cracked, "I know" I replied as more tears rolled down my face, "I can still see her so clearly" she cried softly "me too, I feel like I'm still holding her even though she was never really in my arms" I cried, "it wasn't our fault" she sniffled trying not to cry, "I know, she still should have gotten to see the world, at least once" I said into the phone as a soft whimper left my lips, "if she was here, things would be different" I continued "I know" she replied "but she's not" she whimpered "talk to you next year?" I said into the phone, "the same as the last four years" she said "Happy Birthday Mercy" I smiled sadly into the phone "Happy Birthday baby girl" she replied before the phone line went dead.

"Alex?" Avery's voice said from the other end, "not now Avery" I said softly trying to whip the tears "I know about Mercy" she said quietly. I opened the door, to a tired Avery, "how?" I asked "your mum told my mum, my mum told me" she smiled as she hugged me. "Happy Birthday Mercy" she said into my ear causing the tears to roll again.

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