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"Do you want to call someone? The father maybe?" The doctor asked but Louis just shook his head. Yeah, sure he would call Harry after 7 weeks to tell him that he was pregnant, that'd be a great plan.

"You can go home for now, just get used to the thought. I'll see you again, you'll get a new appointment at the reception" the doctor said after he handed Louis his first ultrasound picture. "T-Thanks" Louis just stuttered, not able to even think, let alone look at the picture. He left the room and made a new appointment at the reception before he left the surgery with his mother.

"What did the doctor say, Boobear?" His mother asked looking at him with her usual worried expression when he walled next to her with a blank expression. "Let's talk about that when we get home, alright?" Louis asked his voice trembling. "Okay, honey" his mother said caring, putting an arm around his son, guiding him out of the building.

Louis sighed nervously as they pulled into the driveway and his mother stopped the car. She followed him into his Appartement where they sat down on the sofa. "What's wrong, Boo? What are you so nervous about? You know you can tell me everything, right?" She asked. She was just the worried mother she always was.

Louis didn't answer. He just pulled the picture out of his pocket and placed it on the couch table. He hadn't looked at it at all and he didn't want to but he couldn't help it now. He looked at it but he didn't recognise anything. It was just black and grey colour everywhere. He looked down onto his lap, waiting for a reaction. He didn't get one.

"I'm pregnant, mum" he sighed and just as he said it the realisation hit him. He would be carrying a baby in his stomach for the next months. He'd have to raise it afterwards. He'd have to change diapers and sing lullabies and wake up at 3 am because that baby would be crying and he'd have to feed it. Others would maybe want that, would maybe like the imagination, but he didn't. Not at all. He was 21 years old. 21. He didn't plan for anything like this to happen and he didn't even have a father for that kid. Sure Harry was most likely its father but he didn't have a family for it.

"I know it's not possible normally, mum, but it is" he said not noticing the tears that were falling down his cheeks.

"Come here, honey" his mother said, pulling him into a hug. "It's alright, baby" she whispered into his shirt while Louis just tried to calm himself down. "I can't do it mum, I just can't, I'm not prepared for this" he sobbed and his mum just petted his back. "You can do this, Boo, I'll help you, with everything, okay? You can do this, Boo" she said, as supportive as she was. "I can just abort it, Right? I don't have to go through this, right?" He asked. "You could, but believe me, you don't want to abort it. You don't want to kill a baby that's growing inside of you, do you?" She asked and Louis just shook his head again. Sure that was not a thing he would want to do.

"Who's the father, Lou?" She asked directly but not trying to make him uncomfortable. "I won't tell him, it was a one-night stand." He told her still trying to stay calm. "You have to, baby, he has a right to know, don't you think so?" She asked and Louis nodded. Why were mums always right? Especially his mum. She was always so understanding. She didn't even ask many questions even if she surely had a lot of questions. Questions that Louis couldn't answer as well.

Louis: Hey, we need to meet. ~Louis (if you remember me at all)

He texted Harry before he had time to overthink it and decide against it again.

This is shit ugh I'm sorry I'll try to
do better next time


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