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A few days later Harry asked Louis's out for a coffee date and they decided to meet at 3 pm. Harry was there a few minutes early waiting for the smaller boy to arrive.

"Hey" Louis said after he had entered the cafe, ordered his coffee and walked over to where Harry was sitting. Harry head shot up and his lips formed a smile as he saw Louis sitting down. "Hey" he said and took a sip from his coffee. Normally he'd drink tea but he wanted to try something new. "How are you?" Harry asked. He wasn't the guy for small talk either. "Oh, I'm fine, what about you?" The boy with the blue eyes answered and Harry nodded. "Yeah, me too, but sadly my cat has got a cold" he said with a pout and Louis just chuckled. "You've got a cat?" He asked and Harry nodded. "She's called Dusty" he said and Louis chuckled again. "And she's got a cold?" He asked and Harry nodded again, again with a pout. "Yup, but she'll be alright again soon" he said and Louis just laughed. They had a conversation about pets and Harry even got to know a lot about Louis' family since he had a lot of siblings and there were a lot of things to tell. Harry told him about how he always wished for younger siblings but didn't get any and how he wanted to meet Louis sisters and his brother some day. The smaller lad couldn't help but smile at that.

"I got a soccer match on saturday and I wanted to ask if you'd want to watch, maybe, just if you want to of course" Louis asked nervously, speaking as fast as possible, proud of himself just because he asked Harry to come. Usually he wouldn't. "You play football?" Harry asked sounding surprised. "Yeah, why is that so surprising to you?" He asked. Didn't he look sportive enough? "I'm not surprised" Harry said not very convincing. "You look surprised." Louis said and Harry just chuckled. "I'm not, I just didn't think you were a football player." He said and the blue eyed boy glanced at him with a pout. "Excuse me? I'm a professional" he said smiling and Harry just nodded understanding, a smile forming on his lips. "I'll be there" he said and the smaller lad smiled ad him, eyes sparkling. He wanted Harry to come. Not for any specific reason, he just wanted him to be there. Sure his friends would watch the game as well, they did watch every match he played but Harry was something else, he was different. Still, it didn't mean anything. He was just doing this because of the baby. It didn't have anything to do with Harry, or with butterflies in his stomach or pink sunglasses, cloud 7's, or whatever.

I don't know about this... sorry 


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