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"You do?" Louis asks, staring into Harry's emerald green eyes, not able to look away. "I do, Lou" Harry said reaching out to caress Louis' cheek with his thumb. "You're not just saying that because you think you-" Louis started but he didn't get any further because suddenly Harry crashed his lips onto Louis'. It was a short kiss, not much more than a peck but it still left Louis' lips and his tummy tingling. "I mean it" Harry murmured looking at Louis, absolute honesty in his eyes and if wasn't for the doorbell to interrupt the moment  Louis would've either kissed the life out of Harry or started crying right there and then.

Harry let out a deep sigh as he got up from his chair to open the door. "Gems! Oh lord I completely forgot you were coming!" Louis heard Harry screaming, literally screaming. "You forgot your favourite sister was coming?" another, unknown, voice, that seemed to belong to Harry's sister, said. "I didn't forget, I just didn't think about it" Hary said as he came back to the kitchen, his sister following him.

"Louis, meet Gemma, my sister, Gems, that's Louis, a, ehm, friend" Harry said hesitating before calling Louis his 'friend' and even though Gemma acted like she didn't, she definitely noticed that. 'Sorry' Harry mouthed to Louis with an apologising expression. "Nice to meet you, Louis, and sorry for interrupting the two of you" Gemma said with a warm smile giving Louis a hug."Really nice to meet you too, Gemma, but I really need to leave anyway, my mum needs me to pick up Doris from a friends so I'll see you around, Harry, yeah?" Louis excused himself, already on his way to the front door. "Yeah, sure, I'll text you" Harry said, hugging Louis goodbye "thanks again for the food! Loved it!" Louis yelled before he was gone and Harry closed the door again.

"So, Louis is your friend hm?" Gemma asked and Harry groaned, why was he so obvious with everything. He was shit at hiding stuff and at lying and at keeping his mouth shut. "Uh yeah" he said, trying not to look at his sister. It's not a lie, they weren't exactly dating or anything but they also were more than friends, right? But the truth is, he never told his family that he liked boys. He told all of his friends, he wasn't afraid to admit it to them but he hurt couldn't tell his family. If his friends hated him for being gay, okay, fuck them, but if his mum or his sister did, what was he supposed to do? They'd still be his family and he couldn't live, dating boys, knowing his family hated it. He'd rather hide it forever then tell his family and make them hate him. His mum loved him, he was sure of that, but that didn't mean she'd be okay with that 'lifestyle'. His family was quite religious and everyone knows what Catholics think about homosexuality. It wasn't like harry didn't want to tell them, but he just couldn't get the two words out of his mouth. He tried it a couple of times but just ended up talking about random stuff instead of saying these two words that could change what his family thought about him. 'I'm gay'

Another update aha hope u liked it also snapchat is down and if I'm losing my streaks I don't know what to do

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