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"Hey, Louis" Harry said after Louis had opened the door for him. "Hey, Harry, you look good" he said and they both chuckled. Harry looked good indeed. He wore some black skinny jeans, black boots and a black coat. Even if he wore a lot of black he still looked absolutely fine. "You don't look bad yourself, Tommo" Harry said smirking at him. "Our first date, is it?" Harry asked, holding his hand out for Louis. "I bet you fuck this up on our first date" the smaller lad laughed as he took Harry's hand, who just smirked at him. "I won't" he said, winking at Louis, as they walked down the stairs.

"I thought we'd just go to the zoo?" Harry suggested and Louis nodded enthusiastically. "I'd love to" he said honestly. He loved animals, he really loved animals. "Great" Harry answered as he lazily linked his arm with Louis'.

They walked through the zoo together, laughing and bumping into each other.  "I love penguins" Louis said as they reached them, "they seem so happy no matter what. They're just too cute when they waddle around without a care I the world" Louis raved with his eyes sparkling. How could someone not love penguins? They were just too adorable. "I mean, look at that one over there, doesn't he look incredibly happy?" Louis asked looking at Harry. "Oh come on Louis it's just a penguin, he doesn't even look happy, he just looks like a penguin." Harry said and Louis hit him against his chest. "He looks happy. Why do humans never look that happy?" He asked and Harry just shook his head. "You're absolutely crazy" he laughed. Louis looked at him with a pout. "In a good way of course" Harry immediately added, still laughing. Louis just giggled still staring at the penguins. The taller lad grabbed Louis' arm trying to tug him to the polar bears, cute, white, cozy bears. Who wouldn't want to see them? Louis obviously. Harry tugged on his arm but he didn't move at all.
"Come on, Louis" he begged but the smaller lad was still focused on the penguins. The curly haired one just came a few steps closer to Louis, putting his arm around the smaller ones waist. Leaning his body against the fence just as Louis, looking at the penguins just as Louis did. And he had to admit, they looked carefree, as if nothing mattered at all.

They left the zoo when it was dawning and Harry guided Louis home. "Thanks, Harry, this was nice" Louis said and Harry just nodded. "Especially the penguins, huh?" He laughed and the smaller boy bumped into him with his shoulder. "That is nothing to joke about" he said laughing as well.

They stopped laughing when they reached Louis door. "I really liked this, Louis" Harry said seriously looking directly at Louis. "I really liked this too, Harry" Louis said, looking right back at him. Harry's right hand reached out, cupping Louis cheek.

"Good night, Lou" he whispered when he leaned in, softly kissing the smaller lads cheek, who slightly, almost unnoticeably blushed. "Good night, Harry" he said before he turned back and entered his Appartement.

He stripped out of his clothes on his way to the bedroom were he instantly let himself fall down backwards onto his bed. The small boy let the creepy smile finally appear on his lips as he cuddled himself into the sheets before he fell asleep, the smile still on his lips.

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