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"Are you out of your mind?" Harry's mum looking at Harry as if he was actually crazy. Louis squeezed Harry's hand tighter, because that couldn't possibly mean good news, could it? Louis knew Harry thought the same, because he moved his leg closer to Louis', causing his knees to press against Louis'. Louis squeezed Harry's hand again, trying to say "we're gonna be fine", hoping Harry would understand.

"I know you're probably not happy with this. But I am, mum, and I hope you can accept that. I promise you'll like him once you get to know that him, mum, he's great, I'm with him for a reason, you know, just give him a chance, okay? For me?" He asked holding Louis' hand in both of his own hands now. 

"What'd he do to make you say this? Are you on drugs? Did he pressure you into this?" She asked and Harry's eyes widened. If someone was out of their mind it was his mum.

"I think it's better if I wait in the car, okay?" Louis asked quietly but harry just leant closer to him, shaking his head.

"Yes, you better leave" his mum suddenly said and without another word, Louis got up, giving Harry's hand another tight squeeze and a sympathetic look, leaving him alone with his, so called, mother.

"Mum-" Harry started, coming towards her, but she didn't even bother letting him talk. "Don't you dare to touch me with those hands, Harry" she said backing away from him and, wow, that was just rude.

"I don't want to know where they've been, I don't want to know what sins they have done, Harry, 'cause that's what this is, a sin. Do you think God wants you to be this way? Do you think it's okay, to be this way? Because it sure isn't and if you make the choice to be that way-"

"It's not a fucking choice, mum! It's who I am, I didn't choose it, I've always been gay, I've always liked boys and I didn't chose to!" He practically yelled at his own mother, trying to not cry in front of her about this.

"Yes, Harry, it's a choice! God doesn't make people that way, God doesn't even like those kind of people!"  She argued and honestly what god is that, that she believes in?

"So God wants me to hide who I am? God hates me for no reason but falling in love with guys rather than girls? If that's how it is, then that's one fucked up religion!" He yelled getting up.

"Don't you dare talk like that, Harry, I didn't raise you like this! Did that Louis put all of this shit into your head?" She asked, now even sounding caring in a weird, fucked your way. What? Did she think there was a way to make him like girls? Because, honestly, that's stupid.

"Louis got nothing to do with me being gay. Yes, I'm in love with him, but he didn't turn me gay, or whatever. I've always been gay, mum!" He screamed and yes, he's always been gay. His high school time basically consisted of him having secret boyfriends who had to climb down the fire escalator when his mum came home early.

"If you chose to be with that bastard, then I swear to god, I don't want you in this house ever again. I don't want you near my family, not even Gemma, are we clear?"

"You know what, mum? Fuck you! What kind of mother are you? Disowning me because I'm gay? Fine, it's still not going to change. I'll pack my bag, cause I'll be out of here, don't even bother to ever try talking to me again!" he yelled, running up the stairs into his room, hastily packing his most important stuff into his sports bag. He wasn't going to cry. Not yet anyway.

I'm sorry! I love Anne gin real life, she's great, this is just fiction, don't hate me for making her this way, I'm sorry!


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