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She was beautiful, the poor thing had gone through so much. Seeing her crying on that bridge made something in me see life differently. I'm glad I got to her when I did. She's peculiar, just from the sound of her name; and I hope to find out how. It was early morning but sleep was not exactly working for me so I decided to make her breakfast. She was sound asleep, upstairs in my bedroom while I had slept on the couch. It took a lot of coaxing for her to agree to take my room but she finally agreed. Just as I was plating the food she came downstairs.
"Good morning," her small voice spoke.
"Morning, how'd you sleep...Bunny?" I asked playfully. A smile shyly appeared on her face.
"Alright, how about yourself? I know that couch can't be comfy." She said giving me a small pout, still upset about last night's argument over our sleeping arrangement.
"It was fine, and you're a guest in my house so don't worry. I'm rather glad you slept well even if it meant sleeping in my bed," I said setting the plate of eggs and bacon next to her.
"Thank you, you're really a sweet guy. It's a good thing fame hasn't gotten to ya," she giggled. She was so innocent, it was adorable.
"Ahh, well who's to say it hasn't?" I said jokingly, giving her a wink.
"Are you going to eat too?" She asked staring at me then her plate.
"Yeah, mines right here," I said holding up the plate.
"Good, again thank you. For the bed and the food, and the clothes." She said with a laugh.
"It's no problem, so how are you feeling?" I asked her as she started eating.
"I'm fine now, in fact I'll be going after this," she said. However, something made me think otherwise.
"Really? You're feeling better so quickly?" I questioned, eating some of my food.
"Yeah, it was mistake and it won't ever happen again." She answered.
"I'm not the police, i'm not a doctor, and I'm not going to judge you. I can tell you're not okay, please don't lie to me." I said, she sighed and looked at me. Her eyes looked tired and scared.
"I'm not okay, but I have to move on I guess." She answered.
"But not like that, not leaving and pushing your feelings away." I said.
"I don't have that many friends, I barely even have a job. How can I get past this without just pushing it aside?" She said, her voice cracking.
"I'm here, if you need someone. I told you i'm here," I said. She shook her head.
"You barely know anything about me, plus you're famous." She spat back, i knew she was mad but I always hated the 'fame' dilemma.
"I don't care what people say about who they think I am. You almost shot your brains out! I care enough to want to help you," my voice raised becoming a yell. She looked scared; I sighed.
"Look I wanna get to know you and help you, because you shouldn't go through this. No one should." I said softer than I had last time.
"My favourite colour is forest green and mustard yellow." She spoke softly.
"I like Aerosmith quite a lot," I said giving her a smile.
"That's a good band, however they're no Queen or Rolling Stones," she said smartly.
"Still pretty good though," I said giving her a small wink. Her cheeks flushed red, she was flustered. 

"So I never really got your age," she spoke walking to the living room.

"I'm 32, how about you?" I said following her.

"24, just turned in April." She said sitting on the couch.

"I was born in April too, what day is your birthday?" I asked suddenly curious.

"April 22nd, what about you?" She said, a smile now her face.

"Day before you, the 21st." I said sitting beside her.

"How weird is that, small world I guess," she giggled. Her laugh was so adorable I swear.

"So, do you think you could take me to my place? I wanna check on some things. Please, I promise I won't try anything. You could even stay there and monitor me. I'll make you some tea, please." She begged, I agreed with the idea that I was going to watch over her. It also gave me an excuse to see where she lived. So with the trip in mind, we ate and headed off to her home.

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