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I hope James liked my home, it wasn't much but I liked it and my father had bought me it before...well, before he left. As he drove, I spoke to him about random things and then we pulled up to the little house. I smiled seeing it so bright and colourful just as I had left it.

"Wow, small house but very pretty." He said parking his car on the driveway.

"Thank you, I contributed a lot of time and ideas to make it that way," I said a smile coming through on my face as I got out of the car and ran inside. "I missed this place," I gasped as I opened the door, the scent of incense filling my nose.

"What's that smell?" James said closing the door, I giggled walking to the kitchen where I had left the incense, on its tray.

"Just some incense I had left on before you know..." I said throwing out the ash and burned out incense sticks.

"Oh well, it's not a bad smell." James said, his Scottish accent was much more thicker than mine but that's probably because my dad was British so mine was more deluded.

"So...I'll make you that tea?" I asked, he nodded agreeing. I had some leftover earl grey so I heated that up.

"So where do you work exactly?" He asked sitting on the small couch while I grabbed out some tea cups.

"Oh at this bookstore, it doesn't pay much but I always pay the bills on time." I said as I waited for the tea. He came to the kitchen once the kettle went off, I poured him his tea. We both seemed to like milk in our tea, which for some reason made me happy.

"I want to sleep in my house tonight, I promise you I won't do anything." I said, and I meant every word. My house was my house and I missed it, plus James had already watched over me and I didn't want to be a nuisance.

"If it's alright with you, I'd rather stay the night. I'll just go home and get some things then come back. I'm sorry I just don't want to leave you alone for now," he said. I sighed but understood it's only because he cared so I couldn't say no.

"Sure, I have a spare room so no sleeping on the couch," I said giving him a small smile.

"Alright, no problem there. So I'll go get some clothes and stuff and I'll be back in about half an hour or so. I'm trusting you to stay here and not do anything bad, please," He said, his voice laced with concern and care.

"I promise," I said taking his hand in mine. I'm not sure why I did this but he then placed his other hand on top, holding mine. I felt safe with him, and something else I couldn't exactly figure out. Once he left, I wasn't sure what to do so I just sat on my couch, bored. Then soon a song came into my head.

I sang it, as I waited for him to come back. I looked around where my telly was and soon found the movie. I also found Mary Poppins and Harry Potter. Maybe he would want to watch them with me. I got excited and started to smile at the idea of him and me cuddled up watching movies. About a half hour later or so he came back with a sports bag, which i'm guessing had his things.

"Did ya miss me?" He said jokingly, I nodded. He put his bag on the couch and sat next to me on the carpet where I was looking at the movies. I bit my lip, getting nervous to ask him.

"Wanna watch them with me," I asked quietly as I handed him the films. 

"These are good films, of course. You have excellent taste." He said with a wink, causing me to giggle a bit.

"So have you eaten?" He asked helping me stand up from the floor. I shook my head, looking at the floor, suddenly nervous again.

"Bunny, you have to eat. When was the last time you had a meal before this morning?" He asked, my cheeks heated with embarrassment.

"Three days ago," I whispered. I heard him sigh, I felt bad.

"How about we....hmm...have a pig out? I haven't had one of those in a while. We'll get a ton of good food and then eat while we watch the movies. Sound good?" He asked lifting my face with his hand, wanting me to look at him. A playful smile on his face. I nodded, and then we went out looking for good food; we went to stores, a pizza place, and then bought some chinese food. When we got back to my house, we heated up some of the food that needed to be heated and then set up the rest in the living room.

"Coming in with food," I sang with a smile as I walked over to living room where I saw pillows and one of my big fluffy blankets out.

"Like the set up?" James asked helping me with the food, I nodded. We didn't really get drinks just a big bottle of apple juice. He played the Sound of Music first. I sang along quietly with every song and enveloped myself into the film, I could tell I was smiling because James looked at me with a certain look I've never seen before.

"I think I could get used to you smiling. You think I could make you smile like that?" He spoke softly, his face  leaning close to mine. Then it happened, we were kissing. I hadn't been kissed or shown love in such a long time. I kissed back, his lips entangled with mine, I don't know how long we kissed for but I didn't pull away, and neither did he. My hands wrapped around the back of his neck, and his around my waist. Eventually things became more heated, his kisses started spreading to my neck, he discovered a sweet spot I never knew I had, small whimpers parting from my lips as I began pulling on his hair. Our shirts were off soon but I couldn't do it. I couldn't have sex with him just like that. When I pulled away his eyes landed on mine.

"Please tell me that you just don't want me for tonight," I said. My voice was a quivering mess, I don't want my heart broken again.

"I'm falling head over heels for you. I'm not going to hurt you like he did. I want to fix you, I want to make you forget all your pain. Just let me in." He said kissing my bare chest then looking at me, his blue eyes shown with sentiment. I let myself be captivated, and let him in. 

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