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(Bunny's Ex^)

The holidays passed quickly, New Years' was just us getting a wee drunk and kisses at midnight, now it was back to work and boring days. Today was especially boring seeing as it was grocery day, and that meant that I had to make a list of boring foods doctors say to eat in order to stay 'healthy' as if those foods really saved us, we'll all give way some day and then another bloke will take our place. Anyways, that's not what the point is, the point is that James is coming along this time so I won't be alone.

"Got the list in me pocket, ready James?" I said walking downstairs with my purse.

"Yeah, let's go get that food of yours." He said opening the front door for me.

The grocers wasn't as busy today, maybe because it was about ten in the morning and it was Tuesday but I was thankful. I sent James off to get some things in other aisles whilst I got the veggies and such and that's when I saw him. Him being Grant, my ex fiance, the man who tore my heart, who I thought loved me. This moment could not have been anymore uncalled for and random. My heart sped as I hoped James would now hurry up and get me away from here, while in the meantime I tried my very hardest not to catch Grant's attention.

"Bunny?" I heard Grant's voice speak, it didn't sound as bubbly as it used to. Carefully I turned to see him looking at me, and he still looked the way he did when he left me; my heart ached.

"Grant, what a surprise." I said quietly trying to concentrate on getting what I needed and hoping he would go away.

"I'm sorry, for everything I did to you. Bunny, I deserve all the bad things in life, but I wasn't in a good place either an-"

"You were in a bad place and decided that shagging some other slag was the proper way to deal with it? Calling off the wedding? Leaving me locked in the bedroom whenever I had a breakdown? You didn't even show any respect when I would visit their gravestones and yet you want me to accept your apology?" I said cutting him off, my breath rapid and the words leaving quickly from my lips.

"I was a proper knob I know but I wasn't okay. I didn't know how to cope with what was going on, we were too young and I wasn't ready. That French slag went, cheated on me and left me worse than I already was. I tried to contact you so many times, to apologize, to try and make sense of everything but you changed your number." He said, his voice strained and his eyes nearly ready to spill tears. I knew him to well, he was hurt.

"Things have changed, I'm with someone now Grant. I do hope you get better, or that you are better. I'm sorry things ever got this way." I said with a sigh.

"I'm glad someone is making you happy, you deserve to be happy. Can we still be friends? I know the feelings between us don't exist like that anymore, but I still care for you." He said awkwardly.

"Of course we can still be friends. I'd quite like that too," I said offering him a sad smile. It was sad because that love was gone but perhaps friendship still lurked. So we kept talking as I gathered more things I needed and I caught up with his new career, niece, and sister's wedding.

"Bunny I got that new- who's this?" James said showing up with a trolley full of things.

"James, this is Grant. My ex fiance." I said hoping that he didn't do anything frantic in front of people.

"Nice to meet ya mate. Please take care of her, she's a great person. Bunny, I think this is my cue to go. It was good catching up with you, stay safe." Grant said after shaking James' hand, leaving me to calm James down.

Intermission: Back Home

"I just don't understand why he wanted to talk to you. After all the shit he put you through." James said as we put away the things we bought.

"Please, he just wanted to apologize and I am not someone who is going to constantly grieve on the past. Grant is happy that someone better has taken his place, and isn't that what should matter?" I argued, giving a sigh at the end.

"I know but I don't trust guys. You're too special and I fear anyone could take ya away from me." He said leaning against the kitchen counter.

"Well then it's a good thing I'm all yours McAvoy. Isn't it?" I said with a stupid smirk, walking over to where he stood and giving him a long kiss. 

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