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Back to work it was for me, and as I always I daydreamed. Fixing shelves up and making sure the old books were out of the way was boring work and quite frankly daydreaming made things more fun. As I continued to hum, and sort of leave reality I felt a tug on my cardigan, looking to see who it was I saw a little girl.
"Hello," I said sweetly giving her a smile.
"Hi, I'm Eloise. I'm 8, I want a bunny book." She said giving me a big grin, she was adorable her little curls bouncing as she jumped around.
"Hello Eloise, oddly enough for you. My name is Bunny, but I'm not one. However I do know where the bunny books are!" I said to her as she watched me in awe.
"Your name is Bunny?! Wow that's so pretty! Did your mummy name you that because you looked like a bunny?" She asked me as we walked to the kids section of books.
"No I think it was because she liked the name," I said with a giggle, as I looked for her bunny book.

"Eloise! There you are! I'm so sorry, she just ran off I do hope she wasn't any trouble." An older lady said taking Eloise by her hand.

"Oh no it's no problem, she just wanted a bunny book is all." I said handing her a small bunny picture book.

"Mummy her name is Bunny like this one!" Eloise said pointing to her book.

"Well thank you Bunny for watching her." Her mum sighed out.

"It's no problem ma'am. I do hope what you were looking for," I said to her. She nodded and then left with the little girl. 

As the day continued I couldn't stop thinking about how much she reminded me of myself when I was little. My mum and dad would take me to the public library and park every Thursday, and sometimes on Sunday. A smile kept appearing on my face as thoughts of me and James did that with our children. 

Intermission: Home after Work

Once I was home and comfy, I started reading some new books I had gotten from work. When my phone started to ring, the caller ID showed James face.

"Hello?" I answered happily.

"Hello lovely, how's my love doing?" He asked, his voice as happy as mine.

"I'm alright, how's work?" I asked getting comfy in the couch as I heard him talk about his day.

"...but enough about me. I wanted to know if you'd like to come on set," he asked. My mind froze for a second, as I thought about it.

"I'm not part of the movie and I'm not famous either," I answered.

"I don't care, and they won't either. Please, it's lonely without you. I want us to stay together, you know...close," he pleaded. My heart sped up at his words.

"Alright, I give in. What day?" I say with a small laugh.

"Awesome! I was thinking next Tuesday, I won't be doing that many scenes that day." He said, explaining his whole plan. It's rather cute how he had already figured out everything.

We agreed that Monday I would leave with him so that by Monday night we'd be together and the next day he would show me around set. I'm not going to lie, I'm beyond scared. These people are famous professionals and they probably are very high class and posh.

Intermission: Tuesday

"Okay so we're gonna get Michael," Nick, one of James's fellow co-star's said as he held a B.B gun in his hand.

"It's gonna be great," James laughed. I shook my head not believing this is what they did.

"I'm not going to watch this, find me in your trailer." I said shaking my head as I laughed at how immature they were.

"Awe come on babe, it's just a wee bit of fun." James cooed as I stood there, arms crossed, shaking my head with a pouty lip. He shrugged and within seconds he was on the roof of Michael's caravan. Nick looked through the cracks of the door and shot.

"I got him!" He yelled up at James and they started to yell out cheers.

"You guys are insane." I said to them while they kept cheering.

"That's why I'm not a part of it." Someone said behind me and as I looked I couldn't believe who I was seeing. Hugh effin' Jackman.

"Please tell him to get down from there," I managed to say to him as Nick walked off to set.

"You heard the misses, get down from there James!" Hugh shouted with a laugh, and then James looked at me and carefully came down.

"Thank you, it's an honour meeting you by the way." I said shaking his hand.

"Awe thank you, it's nice meeting you too. You know James never stops talking about how amazing you are. The guy really loves you," he said. How adorable! I was now full on blushing after hearing that.

"Talking about me Jackman?" James said making a circle with his hand which Hugh looked at and then punched him.

"Don't be rude." I said sternly, as I apologized for James' behaviour.

"I like her, she's a good one. Take care of her mate," Hugh said shaking my hand again as he left.

"It's just a game love, and you looked at the circle too but rules are different for you." He said wrapping his arms around me.

"Oh yeah?" I said playfully.

"Mhm, you gotta kiss me." He said leaning in to kiss me but just as we were about to, Michael shot him.

"That was a good one!" Michael shouted from the door of his caravan. I laughed and gave James a quick peck before heading to his trailer (caravan).

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