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Steam was shooting from her ears.

Instead of the apology she was expecting, Viana only got a sly smile, before her mom made an exit down the corridor.

Reluctantly she headed for her bathroom but was stopped by her own dog. 

Charlie had personality. It was the weirdest thing because at times he could and would throw temper tantrums. And when Charlie threw temper tantrums, he would half whine, and half scream, making a squeal-ish noise from the back of his throat. Right now, like a four year old stomping their foot in hopes to get what they want, Charlie had his own version of foot stomping. Or in this case, butt stomping. He would (while making that awful noise) sit down, then get up, step closer to her before sitting down again, as if to prove a point. 

If you so much as walked away, he would follow you, get into your business and wouldn't stop until you sat down and watched him finish his little dance.

So she sat. And waited as he did his little angry jig, and got so close to her, that he was practically sitting on her foot. His black eyes were squinty and he would blink rapidly; she assumed this was his version of glaring. In a serious tone, Viana tried her best to sound sincere.

"I'm sorry I didn't walk you today." Honestly, she could have said anything, and he wouldn't have known the difference. But her tone was so sincere, he reluctantly left, clearly satisfied over the little dilemma.

And of course, Kyle gave me this dog. Of all the dogs, he chooses this one.

She loved Charlie, a lot actually, but sometimes, he was a little....much.


After getting excused from her dog, (what?) Viana finally made it to the bathroom, this time with no interference. Finally feeling refreshed, she picked up her phone or at least tried, though her acrylic nails made everything twice as hard as it should be. She realized Devin had also texted her, asking for that movie date she had been forced to agree to a couple of hours earlier.

He was really persistent

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He was really persistent.

"Lights out honey. It's late." her mother had finally remembered she was supposed to be a mature adult, though she still had not apologized.






<4:36 am ♪ 457 texts 53 missed calls All from Jamie>

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