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Devin, Devin, Devin...Oh my god.

"Devin." Viana turned and faced Kyle in shock.

"Who is this Devin?" Both Morgan and Luke shared an equally confused expression. Viana almost wanted to crack up the way they both looked at them, with their heads slightly tilted.

"He was a friend of ours," Viana explained.

"Of yours." Kyle corrected her, glaring down at the floor.

"So you're telling me that the curse made a replica of the Devil and sent him here under the name of Devin?" Luke muttered in disbelief.

"This isn't the real Damien right?" Viana panicked, her eyes flashing.

"No, no. That would be impossible. Even he doesn't have enough power to break into a curse like this." Morgan said, and a relief passed over all their faces. "but nevertheless, any duplicate of  Damien is always something to worry about."

"W-well what do we do? Is he know?" Viana could not bear to say those word. Her mouth dried, and she was having a hard time swallowing.

"There isn't much we can do on this Devin matter. We do have to wait two months before anything happens." Morgan sighed, "and we don't really know if he could be the murderer." Viana flinched. She had said it. "But," Morgan continued, oblivious to what was going on, "right now, we need to focus on getting out of here. I do not want to stay in this place any longer!"

"Okay...well Luke what happens now?" Kyle said. "Does my father live? What's going on?" Viana felt an approaching headache. These conversations kept switching back and forth, and it didn't help how equally confusing both were.

"Oh yeah, he lives. But there could be a tiny 'bit of a problem." Luke muttered. "Well right now your father is captured...and the East and West packs are coming for you in a day or two.

"So the plan is, we wait two months for, well you know. For Viana. In the mean time, we need to seek shelter away form here." Luke instructed and everyone seemed to nod in approval.

"But first, please take a shower. You all stink." Morgan hissed, wrinkling her nose in disgust.


"Ugh where's the blow dryer? And the towels? Why aren't there any towels here? I'm all wet!" Kyle screamed from the bathroom.

"Ahem." Luke had a funny expression on his face, and he was grinning in a weird way.

"Ew! What's wrong with you?" Morgan snarled, smacking him against the shoulder.

"What? What?!" Viana cried out, oblivious as to what was going on.

"Nothing." Morgan said all too quickly. Raising her voice she screamed louder, "I'll get some."

She quickly left the room, leaving the door slightly ajar. As her foot steps faded away, Viana watched Luke intently.


"Nothing," she muttered and looked away. "Why is my life confusing? Why can't I be a normal girl who only has to worry about passing an exam and what others think? Instead, I'm a girl from the 19 freaking hundreds?"

Luke just nodded.

"And I have less than two months to live."

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