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Her legs were dead. Exhaustion wasn't even enough to describe what she was feeling. Her adrenaline was at its peaks, and she felt her vision blur.

"What was that. That wasn't Kyle. Kyle wouldn't do that." she thought.

Everyone was so damn messed up. She leaned against a tree and slumped down, head buried in her arms, and wincing every so often. Her legs had been through a shit load of running.


It only took a few moments until Viana heard distant rustling noises, and she knew she had been found. The footsteps were slow as if being dragged through the mossy, forest floor, and eventually stopped. Peeking through her arms, she saw Kyle's shoes, positioned only a few feet away from her.

"Go away!" she cried out and buried her head further in her arms. The silence was inevitable, and pretty soon, she wondered if he had left. But as she lifts her head, sure enough, Kyle was still there, watching her with a pained expression.

"Why-who. Why did you do that? You don't beat people up! You were never like this."

"Viana. If only you knew." he murmured.

"Knew what?" she snapped. "My life would be so much better if you were dead. Heck, I wish you never came into my life."

This last sentence threw him off, and his shame was replaced with fury, an expression she had seen a couple of times when they hung out with Devin.  

He grabbed her firm by the arm, ignored her protests, and marched her all the way to what she saw now in broad daylight--was more than a big house. It was a fucking castle. She took a step back.

"Whoah. How did I not notice this?" she was clearly impressed. (seriously, the mood swings. get it together girl) "You lived in that this entire time?"

The stone arched building, marble walls, and perfectly cut hedges gleamed in the sunlight. She barely had enough time to register it all as he roughly pulled her through the familiar wooden doors, down the hallways, and into her room.

"You need to calm down," she eyed him sternly. "And let me go home! Kidnapping me won't do anything, Kyle!" 

"Do you know who that was?" he spat. "Stay away from him. He's dangerous." he shut the door firmly and she could hear a lock being turned. She ran up to the door in a panic and after trying the door, realized that he had locked it.

Pulling at her hair, she flopped on the bed in frustration. She would rot in here before he finally let her leave.

"When will he let me leave......? Will, he let me leave?"



"Son." The man welcomed Kyle warmly.

"Kyle," he corrected. "What do you want?"

His father eyed him carefully before proceeding to ignore him.

"Son. How long will you keep that poor girl locked up in there?"

"The way you speak of her almost makes it sound like you care."

The slap rang through the office and Kyle was on the ground in seconds.

"I'd watch your tongue if I were you. I let you take her. I let you keep her, but she is a distraction." Matthew rubbed his face in frustration. "Logan was right. We either kill her or throw her in the ocean. Your pick."

"The fuck is wrong with you?" Kyle cried out.

His cheeks still stung as he grabbed his cheek and got up.  "You've never cared about anything but power your entire life. Whoever bothers you, you just kill them." he snarled.

"And right now you're bothering me." his father responded coolly.

"Now to answer your question before," he paused before thinking, watching as Kyle tried to sit in his seat. At the last minute, Matthew kicked the chair and watched Kyle fall back on his butt. His chuckles were low but empty and he proceeded to look around, sharing a grin with Logan. His face grew more serious as he looked back at Kyle, who had managed to get back in his seat the second time.

"I can smell him all over you," Matthew grinned in triumph, "so where is he?" 

Both men looked around the room as if the said person was going to appear, then back at Kyle who was looking around the office as well.

"Who?" Kyle looked clearly confused.

"The. Rogue. Where is he?"

"The-he." crap "He's not here," he mumbled quietly.

The sound was deafening as Matthew slowly turned slowly back to Kyle. "You don't have him?" his voice was barely audible. "Then, why do I smell his scent all over you?"

"I fought him."

"He lost I presume."

"Yes, but I left him." Kyle wouldn't meet his father's gaze.

"You left him?" the man said in disbelief. "You LOST the rogue that we have been tracking for years?!" he roared. His eyes were changing and a low growl sounded deep in his throat.

"It was Vi. She was upset and-and she ran. I left him." Kyle hurriedly explained, swallowing hard.

"You left the rogue for the girl? That's it. Ocean it is. We can watch her suffer a little." The man shoved the massive 200-pound, oak office table out of the way with one hand, and barreled past Kyle and out the door.

"Wait!" He cried out in protest, but Logan grabbed him roughly by the shoulders. They marched quickly down the hall into Viana's room. 

They entered into the resting quarters, Matthew barging through the door without a second thought, only to find the room....empty. And the windows open.

For once Kyle was glad Viana never listened to him.


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