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She winced as he wrapped her leg. The scratches were pretty deep and every so often, Kyle had to use tweezers to get chunks of broken glass shards out of her. Finally, when she was all bandaged up, he helped her up.

"You all good?" he asked, his voice thick with worry.  Biting her lip she nodded and took wobbly steps before sitting down on her bed.

"I can't believe it." she cried out suddenly.

"Whats wrong?" Kyle sat beside her and scanned her face.

"He threw me out a window! He. Threw. Me. Out. A. Window." she said in disbelief. "And Charlie is dead," her voice cracked as she said this part. "And you are alive. Oh, my god, you are alive." She seemed shocked as if she just found out right there in then.

Not this again. "Please, let's talk about something else," he mumbled and looked at the wall. 

Viana was rubbing her temples and muttering to herself. "You're alive. You are alive." Her mood swings varied drastically in that minute: she would look at him in sadness, disbelief, and then anger. 

When Kyle didn't respond, Viana continued. "Are you ever going to come back. Visit Jamie? Visit everyone else?" Her tone meant business, but her facial expressions made it look like one wrong word could break her. 

And Kyle was so good at saying every wrong word.

"Vi, the whole point was so that I wouldn't have to do that. Viana please just-" he paused and looked at her carefully. "When the time is right, I will tell you everything. Promise." There was hesitation in his voice, Viana could sense it. Several things ran through her head. 

"When he does decide to tell me everything, will it really be everything?" she thought.

"Everything?" she tested the word out.

"Everything. One day. Promise." He looked at her with such intensity, she forced a smile to break the tension.

"Can't wait," she replied dryly. "One day I'll finally get to know why the infamous Kyle decided to destroy my life by faking his."

Groaning Kyle grabbed a pillow and threw it at her face. "Goodnight," he muttered.

"What time is it even? Can I have a clock?" she blindly scanned the room once more. He pulled out his phone. "8:47"

"Wait. Hold up. You have a phone?" she jumped up, winced at the pain in her legs, and debated with herself, before lying back down.

"Um..yes?" he thought his words out carefully, unsure of what she was going at.

"A phone meaning like I could potentially call someone? Like maybe Jamie. Or my mom who is probably worried sick. Or even better, the police." she thought to herself.

She looked up at him and saw he was still waiting for an answer. "Oh nothing." she brushed her question off as nonchalantly as she could, but Kyle could tell what she was thinking.

"Vi, how do I put this?" he clucked his tongue. "You need to hide your thoughts better."

"Here, let's talk about something else," she offered brightly. "Let's talk about how you ruined my life again by bringing me here! If you really wanted to fake your death, showing me you're still alive doesn't really do I put this? It doesn't help your plan. Whatever cruel thing it may be."

"Goodnight," he said sharply and threw the covers on her.

"It's 8:47!" She mumbled under the covers.

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