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She was running faster than she thought possible. She was practically soaring. She felt so free.

"Get the book." something whispered at her. "What?" she stopped turned around in circles, but no one was there. She shrugged and picked up her pace again.

"Get the book." something whispered again, now from behind her. Suddenly she felt herself being chased.

"Who's there?" she shrieked.

The silence greeted her, and she found herself high up on a cliff. "Get the book before he dies."

Something pushed her and she fell. Hard and fast.


She woke up suddenly and looked wildly about. Something was wrong, she could feel it. Her head was throbbing, and her whole body felt like it was on fire.

"Oh my god. Vi, you're awake."

She turned her head as Kyle cupped her face with his hands.

"Y-you're the one who hit me?" she whispered in disbelief. "Why?"

"I-i panicked. I'm sorry," he whispered, and Viana suddenly noticed how close they were. She pulled herself away from his grip and looked around.

"Where am I?" she wondered aloud.

"My room."


"Well, your's is kinda doorless...and maybe a little wall-less."

Her haunted dream was replaying over and over in her head.

Get the book before he dies. "Who's he?" she thought.

"Where's Luke?" she found herself asking.

"He's not here."

"I can see that. Where is he?"Her question was answered with a shrug.

"Kyle for goodness sake. I know you took up a new hobby called 'not telling Viana anything,' but this is too far. I'm going to ask you again. Where. Is. Luke?" her voice was dangerously low, and Kyle widened his eyes in surprise. 

She was shocked too. Never had she used that tone on anyone, especially not Kyle. It was as if something took control of her. She wasn't even sure why she wanted Luke. But what happened at the treehouse was not a series of lucky guesses. Luke knew something, and Viana wanted to know it too.

"He's locked up," he mumbled so fast she almost didn't catch it.

"Locked up? Where?"

"Down in the execution room."

"You have an execution room?" she looked at him in shock. "Why is he in the execution room?"

"My father wants to kill him," he spoke so softly, she had to lean in to catch his words.

"Oh my god. You and your whole family are insane. Tell me this isn't some cruel joke."

"It isn't." he lowered his head, unable to make eye contact.

"Take me to him."


"I said, take me to Luke right now." Her dangerously low tone was back.


She peeked around the corner. "The coast is clear," she whispered and began creeping steadily. 

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