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The crash echoed through the hallways. Then another could be heard. All three of them turned wildly about.

"What was that?" Viana was frantic, her head snapping back and forth.

"I-i.." Kyle could only stutter a response.

From somewhere down the hallways a cry could be heard. "We're under attack! The East and West packs; a whole army of them are surrounding us!"

"Under attack? What is this, the medieval times?" Viana joked, grinning. Kyle's grave look caused her to stop.

"Shit!" Luke muttered. "Completly forgot about this." Both Viana and Kyle turned to him.

"Forgot about what?" Kyle's eyes narrowed in suspicion. 

"Follow me!" Luke called out, ignoring Kyle and darting out of the corridor.

"Where are we going?" Viana cried out to him. As they ran, windows were being smashed, and a rain of glass showered them.

"Quick. We can go through the back door." Kyle ordered, trying to get Viana to follow him.

"No! You crazy? You did that last time and got killed!" Luke exclaimed.

"Last time?" Kyle cried out, reluctantly following Luke who wouldn't release his hold on Viana.

"Yeah, he says things like that all the time. You won't believe the shit he has told me. I'm dying in 2 months apparently. By any chance were you dropped as a child?" Viana cut in.

"Two months?" Kyle cried out just as Luke spoke.

"Viana this is not the time for fun and games. Okay, we are going to loop around to the front. The East and the West packs are trying to bring down the first level, so the whole building can fall like Jenga." he exclaimed, dodging into another corridor. Something whizzed past her and embedded into the wall, smoke billowing out of it.

"What was that?" Viana cried out, picking up her pace.

"A bullet or something. I don't know! Just run!"

"Wait! Hold up. How do you know what is going on? Are you on their side? I knew it, you're a spy!" Kyle extended an accusing finger at Luke.

"You idiot! I wouldn't be helping you then." Luke ran even faster, forcing Viana to catch up.

"Viana you're going too slow," Luke shouted over the crashes and shattering of glass.

"Well, you're going too fast! For goodness sake, don't these things only happen in movies?" she barely had enough time to turn as a bullet skimmed her back.

Luke scooped her up and started full on sprinting with all his might.

"You know this whole carrying thing is kinda getting annoying!" she complained.

"We're going to head towards the gardens. They won't find us once we are over the walls. If we can get over the walls!" Luke screamed as Kyle ran beside him. They ran into the hallways leading towards the office, and once they passed it, Kyle hesitated.

"Go on ahead. I need to get something!" he shouted over the ear-splitting explosions.

"I'm risking a lot trusting you." was Luke's only comment. He placed Viana on the banister of the staircase. 

"Meet you up at the walls in the south wing! Head for the hills afterward, to the Inn." Luke cried out, and Kyle only had enough time to nod, before he ducked into the office.

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