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Comment and vote! Also, that's how I imagine Viana. Look at that smile :)⭐ 


The silence was too overwhelming she waited for him to crack a grin or to give a smile, but nothing

"Okay..." she chuckled nervously. "I'm not following."

Luke looked around again. 

"Viana you are living in a curse. I can't explain until I have the book." (Luke isn't on crack okay? I promise guys).

"What book?" She uttered in confusion. "What are you talking about?"

"Wait, you're telling me you don't have the book?" his eyes widened in astonishment. The confused girl only shook her head.

"Oh my.... this is new. Very new." He muttered.

"CAN YOU PLEASE TELL ME WHAT'S GOING ON?" The girl cried, stopping when a hand clamped over her mouth.

"Can you be any louder?" He hissed. "They heard us. Come one, we have to go now."

"Go? Where? Who?!"

"Mathew and Logan."

"Wait. What? How do you-"

But Luke paid absolutely no attention to her, dragging her down the tree.

"I don't have any shoe-ow! Stop, you're going too fast!" She yelped. When they both landed safely on solid grounds, she sighed in relief. 

Without warning, he picked her up bridal style.

"What are you doing?!" She cried out again, kicking. "I should have changed or something! Maybe gotten shoes. Why did I decide to leave in a dress?"

"Well, you were never that smart." He muttered.

"Excuse me? Were? I DON'T EVEN KNOW YOU!!"

"The hell! Can you be any louder?!" His eyes blazed. The footsteps in the distance behind him confirmed his theory; Mathew and Logan were on their way. 

The forest floor seemed to shake as the pounding of feet were getting louder every second. Even Viana stopped talking. Taking a look around, he took a breath and ran. He ran so fast that the trees were blurs of colors and her vision was getting hazy. She tried to talk, to tell him to slow down, but he was going to fast, and she couldn't seem open her mouth to speak. Shutting her eyes, she buried her head in his chest and waited.


"You can open your eyes now." Luke was still holding her, watching her intently.

"How did you-you're not even panting!" She exclaimed in disbelief. "How-?" She touched his forehead, shocked that he wasn't sweating, and looked at him in curiosity. "What are you?" She spat out.

"Oh, so I'm a 'what' now?" He retorted.

Shoving a ladder in her hands, and not waiting for a reply, he motioned her to climb. "There's a treehouse up there. Keep climbing and you will see it" he instructed. The girl only nodded, tired of so many unanswered questions and did as she was told.


The climb felt like hours, and for a second, she thought if maybe he had tricked her. But sure enough, as she reaches the tops of the trees, a shelter like structure could be made from between the leaves. 

She pushed herself up and steadied her body on the wooden boards of the tree. "Okay, I'm up." She called out.

"Give me a second." Pretty soon Luke appeared too. "Go on. Go inside." He motioned hurriedly.

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