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Everything was white, so insanely white. It seemed like the walls never ended, and she couldn't tell the difference between the roof or the floor. She already felt herself going a little insane. Devin fell into step beside her, coming too close for her comfort. Sidestepping him, she approached a glass pane. Through that, she saw into it, another white, white room. They were in there, all three of them. Kyle looked up and she waved slightly, unsure of what else to do, but Kyle made no indication that he could see her.

"It's a one-sided pane. We can see in, but they can't see out." Devin's breath was hot on her neck, and she awkwardly stepped aside, again.

Turning back, she stared down the three; Luke was by the farthest wall, pacing, Morgan looked dead, lying on her cot, and Kyle sat in a defeated stance --his eyes were blank and his whole body was tensed.

"Let me in," she whispered.

Devin only laughed.

"Let me in!" she demanded.

"Honey, that wasn't part of the deal, and you know it. You wanted to see them, and here they are."

"But I want to speak to them," she said, turning to Devin. She grabbed his arm, digging her nails into his flesh. "Let me see them."

Devin laughed. Are you trying to show dominance over me? I don't think you are in a position to do such a thing. But I want you to like me, so I will. Still finding the whole situation hilarious, he walked up to the door and placed his thumb on the keypad.

Stepping in, she surveyed the scene.

"Hey, guys." she called out.

No response. They didn't even stir. She was about to open her mouth again when the tiniest voice broke into her mind. She saw Morgan wince slightly, but she could really be sure.

"Tonight." Morgan's voice whispered in her brain. "tomorrow we die."

She had to free them tonight.

Whatever Devin had planned, he had ended up saving for tomorrow.


-11:00 p.m.-

"This is a perfect plan," she thought to herself as she snuck into Devin's room with a piece of tape. It was not hard to find his room, for he had made it VERY clear earlier that he was right next to her..and that if she ever tried anything..yadda yadda yadda.

She snuck up beside him, tripping over nothing in the process. He was lying on his back, limbs completely spread. Clumsily, she grabbed his right hand and wrapped the tape around his thumb before slowly peeling it off. He cleared his throat and rolled over. Jumping up in alarm, she sprinted out the room.

"Damn...okay," she muttered to herself as she took a couple turns to where her friends were being held. Placing the tape on the fingerprint pad, she waited for a beep, but nothing happened. Instead, a small red light started flashing. Frowning, she flipped the tape over, and the fingerprint pad went green.

"Guys." she hissed as she opened the door. She heard a loud pounding before realizing it was her own heart.

"She's here! She's up." Morgan's hoarse voice could be heard from the corner of the room.

"What's the plan?" Luke's scratchy voice cut in.

Pondering over the sounds of their voices, Vianna also decided to contribute her thoughts. "I think you guys need some water."

Even in the dark, she could feel their eyes judging her.

"You think he feeds us? Or gives us water?" Morgan scoffed. Kyle was awfully quiet the entire time.

"There's no plan." Kyle finally spoke up. "We make a run for it."

They all turned around to meet...well Devin. I mean who else would it be. Like it's always Devin. Omg, so annoying am I, right?

"Then, I guess I will have to kill you all right now." the malicious figure spoke up from the doorway. "Vianna if you really wanted to save your friends, putting the tape incorrectly on the keypad the first time sends a notification to me. It was a brilliant plan really, but you should have thought it out a bit better." Pushing some button on the outside panel of the wall, the room was lit up by a blinding flash of lights.

The movement was so quick, and before anyone could process the action, Devin had already targetted Luke. With one clean cut, Luke was on the floor, howling in agony.

"Just be good and this will hurt less." he grinned and headed for Kyle. Growling, Kyle lashed out with the little energy he had left, striking the attacker in the stomach. Doubling over, Viana seized the opportunity to elbow him in the back. Devin went down, fast. Morgan tried to reach for the weapon but was given a deep cut across the leg instead.

"I am done with your games," Devin growled. " I can and will kill you. Every single one of you!" He raised the weapon and brought it done upon Morgan. But, instead of the usual play out, Morgan didn't get stabbed, and she didn't die. The knife hovered in the air, and though Devin was clearly trying to get a hold of it, the weapon would not budge. Furrowing his brow, he looked over at Morgan. Swiftly, the knife reversed, inserting itself cleanly into Devin's gut.

He died before he hit the ground.

Viana covered her mouth in shock, her whole face was shaking. Kyle raised a brow too.

"Oh my god.. that son of a bitch is dead," Luke said in disbelief.

"Language," Viana warned.

"English," he whispered back, still in utter shock.

"He's dead. What happens now?" Kyle reached over and held Viana's arm as if she was going to disappear.

"I broke my own curse." Morgan was nodding her head as if her statement needed to be agreed upon. "I'm dying."

It didn't take a lot to figure it out. She really was dying. A gruesome slow death ta that. Forcing her head up, she hissed in pain as she clutched the side of her cot. In one swift motion, she was lying on her back, to the ceiling.

"Morgan!" Viana was at her side in an instance.

"Viana I knew I was going to die. It was already expected since plan one remember? I got us into this, it's only right I got us out. Don't play the shocked face."

Luke stepped up. "Know or not know, it's hard not to stay shocked when someone is dying right in FRONT of you." he seemed to show mixed emotions on his face as if trying to hide his emotions with an invisible mask.

What happens now? Maybe this whole thing isn't over yet." Viana was trying hard not to cry.

"I don't know what happens now, but I do know for a fact that you are all freed. This curse-my curse-is officially broken, because I'm dying. It's like a punishment for interfering with my own game. A master never plays with the pawns." the fiery redhead now looked like a dying flame. The other three stood by her, afraid to even breath. That one blow of air from them could extinguish the fire. She practically had to force each syllable out of her mouth.

"A witch can not enter int her own curse!" Her eyes were turning red now. "Even magic has its rules." the last part was forced out, as a thick, blue liquid was frothing on her lips, and dripping quickly down her neck.

"I play my game, I pay the price. A rule is a rule, which is put there for a reason. Even time itself can not break the rule. You guys will go back, hopefully, but I will not be there anymore. I will not exist except in dreams. " Her whole body was disintegrating-her eyelids were sinking into her eyes, and her mouth was already dissolving into the bluish mixture. And with her last breath, she melted into a thick, dark blue puddle. It was the last they would ever see from her again.


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