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She woke up to the sound of rustling. Turning her head, she forced her eyes open. A slight breeze was building up and she found the source coming from an open window of the room. Next, to her, the bed was empty. Confused she sat up and looked at the clock: 11:57. She checked the opposite side of the room, only to find the other bed empty as well. In a panic, she scanned the couch and slumped in relief when she found Morgan sleeping peacefully.

"Morgan. Morgan!" She half yelled through the darkness. Morgan only responded by rolling over.

"MORGAN!" she practically yelled, her voice echoing through the room. The red-head jerked her eyes opened, startled.

"What?!" She snapped.

"They're gone!"

"Who?" Morgan was clearly sleep deprived and was in no mood to have this conversation so late in the night.

"Kyle and Luke!" She waited for Morgan to panic as well; to jump up and freak out. Instead, she was surprised to find Morgan back asleep.


"They're fine. It's a full moon." She mumbled through the pillow.


"Full moon. Every full moon, werewolves shift and go out to howl at the moon or something. Stupid creatures," she muttered, half asleep. Viana nodded in the dark and tried to get more sleep, but before she could, a chorus of howls could be heard. Hundreds upon hundreds, loud and clear as day.

"Ughhh." Morgan groaned. "Just wait it out, they should be done in a few hours."

"Hours?!" Viana buried her head in the sheets, but no matter what, she could not drown the sounds of the howls. Reluctantly she climbed out. Grabbing her shoes, she glanced over at Morgan who was out cold and walked out the door. Making sure it was firmly shut behind her, and careful not to make a sound, she headed out of the Inn, and into the forest behind.

The fog lined the trees in a think, grey coating as she shivered. the howls seemed to be surrounding her, no matter where she turned, where she looked, she saw nothing but heard everything. When the first one came out, the first creature, she held her breath. It was beautiful, intoxicating; a beast bathing in the light of the moon. Its silvery coat rippled with muscles, and she froze when it spotted her. A loud growl erupted, and the wolf lifted its head in another howl. A chorus of them filled the air once again, and soon she found herself swarmed. Bodies upon bodies circled her.

Fear. Confusion.

She released the breath she was holding in as one by one, they lifted their heads to howl at the bright, white moon yet again.

"H-hey." she let out a stuttery breath and forced a nervous smile. The silence overlapped soon, as wolves stared at her, examining her. When he came out, she recognized him instantly. The grey fur flashed a silver, and in the darkness, she could still see the glimmer in his eyes.

She knelt down as he approached her. He seemed as confused at why she was here. After a moment, he pressed his nose to her hands. everything was so silent, every other creature was still slowly circling them. Another shaggy, smaller wolf pressed his nose to her side.

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