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"Then, what," Viana said. "We can't not do something."

"Well, we are one step ahead of the devil. That's helpful." Luke reasoned. "We know the curse can't be created because Morgan was the reason for that. And since she doesn't exist, when the devil tries to get you, he won't be stopped."

"This means...he probably has the witches council right now with him. They are going to lay on the curse that should have been laid before Morgan disrupted it." Kyle warned, jumping into the conversation.

"If we don't hurry into the council room right now, the devil might succeed in his plan." Luke was now running out of the room in fear. "Viana this is your life at risk now. If he succeeds, he will manage to turn back time and take you before Kyle can."

It was simple. This Viana was trying to explain to the Viana that was inside her head. It was hard to describe what it felt like with two entities inside you. Looking at Kyle, she could tell the two "kyles" in him were also causing a riot. Luke was right. Only they understood each other the most. After all, they had been through the craziest things together.

To best explain, it felt like you conscious suddenly multiplied, along with your mind, emotiones—everything in you became two. It was like having a fight in your mind. You were disagreeing with your self but agreed at the same time. It was worse than your heart disagreeing with your mind. This was way worse, and it hurt. A lot.

Viana could feel her mind trying to explain to itself the dire situation, as one part of her brain was radiating fear, mostly because of the other Viana inside her. The Novice. Once a werewolf finds a mate, it's a bond that can't be broken, even after death. The devil would need to play with time, going back to claim her before Kyle ever could. She felt her brain relax slightly as she thought over this new, but old piece of information.

The sad reality that the Viana would always be apart of her. She couldn't get rid of it. It was like an extra limb she didn't need but replaced in her mind. It was starting to give her a headache.

Luke ran down the hall, a determined Luna, yet scared high-school girl, and an Alpha, yet fearful high-school boy followed.

It was almost like crashing into a meeting.

The room was huge. Viana had seen this room many times before, as she had had pack meetings in this very place. But, she had also never seen this room in her life. It was all new to her.

Gripping tightly onto Kyle, she turned to face...

...the devil.


She tried to shove down the slight attraction the highschool Viana was feeling. It was no debate that the devil was good-looking. Though he was a monster, death, and everything bad in life, he was not ugly. Rather he was the opposite. The complete opposite. It was an interesting feeling, having her mind feel disgusted and attracted at the same time.

The witches were around him, unwinding some sort of thread.

"They are taking his soul." Luke gasped.

"Wait, the devil has a soul?" the young mind in Viana spoke before her other self could filter those words.

"Not anymore." They watched the snipping continue as slowly, the devil's eyes turned pitch black, and if he was frightening before, he sure as hell was now.

"How do we stop them?" Luke muttered to himself, his eyes turning colors. Besides him, Kyle's did the same, showing the true colors of an Alpha. And for the first time, as well as many times before, Viana got to experience herself as a werewolf.

Cursed PrinceWhere stories live. Discover now