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From head to the very tip of her toe, she felt fire; an ache that fully engulfed her every time she moved.  But when she came to, she immediately started to analyze her situation.




Working her muscles, she got each limb to move with an agonizing ineptitude, slowly making her way out of the bed and onto her feet. Next, her sight was repaired, a pixelated vision. A pitch dark room. The rest of her senses came rushing in; most of all, her memory. Her very mind was breaking the whole situation down.

Suddenly, it all came back to her. She had been walking, with all of them, for hours upon hours. The sun was rising and she could not seem to take another step forward. She hadn't meant to fall, to pass out. But she did, and now she was... here.

Where were the others? Where was she?  Those two questions seemed to be popular lately, yet she never got the answers.

"Why do you keep moving if it hurts?"

If she could, she would have screamed and thrown something at the shadowy source of the sound. But, when she tried, her rib cage sent a shooting pain up her back, impeding movement entirely. So instead, she let out a sharp, pained gasp.

This was a different shadow, a different figure. This was a new situation; this was not Kyle.

"You should really stop moving," the stranger said.

Pain. The pain was heartbreak. The pain was physical, and the pain could destroy even the best people. Right now she could feel it all.

But the fear was worse. The very man in this room was none other than Devin. He had found her.


"What's going on?" she rasped out, shuddering from the unwelcomed agony.

The figure said nothing at first, but in the silence, she could sense a smile was creeping onto his face.

"Where are my friends?" she asked hoping for an answer this time.

"Somewhere safe."

"But where?"

"Wouldn't you like to know."

Lying there, three things were clear to her. The first was that Devin could be the one to have always killed her in the past. And two, she was in pain, on a bed, with a copy of the Devil, a duplicate in Morgan's curse. And last, Devin had no idea what he really was, which scared her the most.


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