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They stood there in a triangle, watching the puddle drip to the floor.

Holding back a sob, Viana turned to face the other two.

"There's so much we don't know. Aconitum, the book, Devin's motives..."

Kyle chimed in. "The person who ordered Devin to kill us..." They threw glances at each other.

"Most importantly, what happens now? The curse is broken, do we get teleported somewhere?" Luke turned in a 360-degree angle as if something out there could explain.

"Hold on," Kyle said raising his finger in the air," let's figure this out. Normally, the curse repeated when Vi died. Correct?"

Luke confirmed the question with a nod.

"Which would normally be within the two months. So...we should wait for the two months to be up. Maybe that's when we can get out."

"No, I don't think so. I thought this would be more of a sudden thing." Luke muttered, looking grimly at the floor. "I always thought by doing something, it would trigger the spell to be broken. I mean, Morgan is dead. Shouldn't something happen?"

Viana sniffed and gently walked towards what was left of Morgan. Crouching next to the huge puddle that had dripped onto the clean tiled floor, she let out a long sigh. "Do witches have blue blood?" she asked, troubled.

"No. Their blood is more black. Why?" Luke stood next to here, watching the blue puddle himself.

"Then, why is this blue?"

"Probably a side effect from the curse. The body did disintegrate."

"Okay, then why can't I see my reflection in this so-called "side effect? I would think even magic wouldn't completely ignore the laws of science. Why is all of the light waves being transmitted into the puddle? Shouldn't some be reflected off? This basically looks like a black-hole."

"Hold up...Viana, I think you're onto something. Maybe the waves didn't hit an interface between two materials because...what if...there aren't two materials. What if this"blue liquid" isn't a liquid at all."

Viana jumped up and gasped loudly.

Kyle put his hand on Luke's shoulder to stop him from talking. "Can someone please speak English?"

Turning to him, Luke said in the simplest way he could think of. "Kyle," he said slowly, "Viana and I think that that blue puddle over a portal."

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"You jump in first." Viana motioned to Luke.

"Hell no. You do it." Luke fought back, pushing her towards it.

"Jesus, I'll do it." with a sigh, Kyle slowly brought the tip of his show towards it. Nothing happened; there was no acid or fire, and any creature coming up to eat his shoe.

He put it further, and pretty soon his entire left foot was in the bluish liquid.

"Does it hurt?" Viana leaned towards Kyle, waiting for some sort of scream.

"No. My foot just feels airy. Like there is nothing there. I can't feel the floor. Should I keep going?"

Luke and Viana looked at each other and then nodded at Kyle.

Kyle did a mini jump into the puddle, and pretty soon it had consumed his entire body.

"Damn. He's gone." Viana widened her eyes. She had never seen anything like this before. Then again, who had?

"No shit," Luke said, before jumping in as well. Pretty soon, it was only Viana left in the room. Closing her eyes, she let her body fall.

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