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It was like she was in water, but even in water, your mind would at least feel coldness. She felt nothing. It was pure bliss. She did not exist, she was space, she was time—she was absolutely nothing. Her mind was blank, her fears were gone. It was like the wave of reality was taken from her. But waves return, and so did her memories.


year: 1921

She was awake in an instance. Besides her were two men, lying on the plush red carpet. It was like there was a doorway on the wall; she had flown out of that portal onto the hard floor, entering into another world. The world of 1921.


That was her name. Or was it? Surely she was Viana, but something was different. The Viana who had gone to a modern day high school, who communicated through iPhones, and drove in modern day cars, was different from this Viana. The Viana that had jumped into the portal did not exist anymore. The Viana was a copy, along with many pther copies in the curse Luke was stuck in for over 500 years.

Viana got many things straight that nanosecond she had to herself. In 1921, Morgan made a curse. Okay, that was obvious. So what did the curse do? It caused two worlds to be made; with two different Vianas and two different Kyles. Right? So then there was Luke. Luke was sucked into that world and lived in it from 1921 up to the year 2421. Five-hundred years. This word also kept going, while time in the curse did a well. That's what Morgan meant when she said the real world, the devil was killing witches. It made sense, but it didn't. Now that the curse broke, it was like all those five-hundred years never existed. They were back in the year 1921, on the same day that the curse should have been created. The only proof that those five hundred years had gone by, was Morgan's nonexistence. She was only a the three minds that now lay on the floor.

The Viana had to be this Viana though, or else how would this Viana remember high school, and remember advanced technology when she was now in a world where antique telephones and automobiles found in history museums were now the very things used by people outside the room they laid in.

But, this Vina also remembered her 1921 life. To her left was her mate, Kyle. In this life, she was one with him. She was what he was; a creature of the night—and the devil wanted her.


"Get up!" she nudged the other two beside her to their feet.

"Wow." Kyle looked around the room, then to himself. "I feel different."

"We are different. We have experienced the future as creatures living in 1921." Luke explained, stretching. "There are two mindsets in there." he tapped Viana's head.

"I'm still myself. There has always just been one me as I had to be the one to suffer in Morgan's curse. But...the Kyle and the Viana that jumped into the portal, is also you two—but they also aren't. Make sense?" Luke raised a brow and waited for a response.

"When did it ever," Kyle muttered, rubbing his head and wincing. He wrapped his other arm over Viana as he spoke. "You okay?"

"Y-yeah." she stammered. This was weird, but this also wasn't. Her 1921 self was not conflicted with this man as he was her husband. But, the future 17-year-old Viana thought this very weird. To her, this man was her best friend since kindergarten. She could feel the same confusion radiating from Kyle.

"Get used to it guys. You will have two mindsets forever. They are always going to be battling each other out to make sense of this world. This world is our home. Only the three of us know the future. But you two—" he pointed to them as he said this—"you two will be closest because never before will anyone else understand you both as you do. You are two people in one, and that is a conflict you both will have to go through together."

"We're back. We know the devil's intentions, we can stop him." Viana stepped forward, her 1921 self was already on top of it; ready to take on the task at hand.

"Not so easy." Luke stopped her. "You don't kill fire with fire."

"Just as you can't stop the devil. In order to stop him, you have to kill him, and you can't kill death." Kyle stepped forward, lacing his fingers around Vi's, fixating his eyes on hers.

High-school Kyle was troubled over the maturity this new mind had gotten, but 1921 Kyle understood the fear and the responsibilities of this event. Afterall, he was the Alpha of the South Pack.

"Whatever happened with your father in the curse, Devin...all never existed. It was just the curse giving us something to worry about," Luke explained. "So that is one less thing or two to forget about."

"Of course," my high school self-seemed to take over my mind as I laid at the snarky remark, "we only need to worry about the devil...And whatever Aconitum is. No biggie."

Deep inside, she knew that Morgan wouldn't be the only one to lose her life. After all, what would you expect when dealing with death.


Omg. I'm actually writing this book again?! XD trying so hard to finish this book so I can edit it and have it actually make sense.

Thanks for voting and viewing :) -naomi

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