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She ran so hard until her lungs felt like bursting. Her mind was so occupied she didn't realize she was running down a long corridor. Confused, she spun in circles now realizing she was lost.  In a panic, she sped through random hallways in failed attempts to get back to the bedroom she was thrown in earlier.  She was desperate to find Tayla now, the only person she could confide in. In a pathetic attempt to retrace her steps, she noticed the strange pictures on the walls.  Stone-cold faced portraits of people that seemed to be watching her, even though the bright sunny lit hallways, Viana still felt uneasy.  They were like porcelain dolls, pale, perfect, and really damn freaky. She definitely didn't want to be back here a night.  She wanted out!  Finally, Tayla came.  She was humming to herself and hustling about when she came upon Viana looking like a lost, rejected puppy.  In an instant, Viana was upon her with joy.  

"Oh my goodness!  I was so lost" she cried out. "where were you?"

Tayla gave her a small smile and patted her on the arm. "Kyle said to give you some space for a little bit, so I let you wander the halls for your own free time,"  she explained.

That name made her face drop.  She narrowed her eyes and looked down at the floor as she trudged slowly down the well-lit hallway.  The rest of the way was silent and in the distance, she could hear shouting.  

"Are we going back to the bedroom?"  she asked hoping the answer was yes, and also hoping that Tayla would answer.  The silence made her realize she was being ignored again.  Shocker.  

The shouting grew louder through each step which seemed to be coming from an opaque glass door.  Tayla's sharp knocks silenced the shouts and a gruff "come in" could be heard from within the muffled walls.  The first thing Viana noticed upon entering was the dark interior. A man was sitting at a dark chiseled desk with a suspicious look on his face. Drawers and shelves lined the walls and gave off an eery vibe to it.  The two people that were first on her list of 'people she didn't want to see' was there as well: the blue-eyed man and Kyle.  She knew that meant that this new stranger would most definitely be joining the list soon.  His harsh words soon confirmed her guess.  

"Oh, so this is Viana." The man said it with such force that a shiver was sent down her spine.  

"Yes, Father," Kyle stated lowly.  

"Father.  Father!?" she cried out.  "What?"  

The confusion was too much.  Tayla sat her down in a leather chair and proceeded to back out of the doorway.  The man was leaning toward Viana at such an uncomfortable distance with an equally uncomfortable gaze.  

"This is the girl you've been talking about?  The one you sent Logan to fetch?"  the man questioned.  Kyle's nod made the man howl with laughter.  

"Logan, Kyle." the man continued, motioning them to leave. Now Viana was petrified, and she had a "take me with you" look. When the door closed, the brooding figure extended a hand, which Viana took hesitantly.  "You have a strong handshake," he observed, looking at Viana's tight grip that was turning her hand white.  "Can't tell if you normally shake like this, or if its just fear."  He said that word like a child would say 'chocolate' while peering into a candy store.

"I'm Matthew.  Kyle's father." he released her hand and leaned back against his chair.  "I'm finally able to meet the girl he left who's been keeping him up all these years."

"He left me," she whispered.  

"Oh!  She talks," he said with fake fascination.  "Yes indeed. He left because I needed him to help matters."

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