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The screams filled the air without a second to spare.

"Viana, wait! No calm down!" Luke grabbed her arm in a fearful attempt to keep her quiet.

"I. Am. Going. to die!" Viana was beating at the door now. "Someone get me out! I'm going to die." She scrambled for the doorknob, but Luke's strong grip tightened, as he put a hand over her mouth.

"Shut up!" he hissed in her ear. "You aren't going to die!"

She squirmed and kicked, refusing to give up. With the last bit of energy she had left, she nailed him hard in the groin and then kneed him in the stomach.

"Fuc-" he didn't get to finish when she brought her elbow down on his neck.

Why isn't he falling? He should be unconscious.

In fact, Luke seemed to recover quickly, and in seconds he had both her wrists behind her back and had forced her to the ground.

"Kyle. I kinda need your help." Luke yelped as Viana was writhing on the floor.

"And I'm kinda naked," Kyle muttered, wrapping himself in a blanket. He had shifted back, and he now looked at his torn clothes.

"You idiot. You should have taken off your clothes first." Luke gritted his teeth as Viana screamed again.

"That would have freaked her out more!"

"Okay, okay. Go down and get some clothes. Ask the manager or something." Luke demanded. "Argh, calm down Viana."

He curled his fingers into a fist and then punch her swiftly in the throat, cutting off her screams and knocking her out.


The light filtered through the curtains as she sat up too fast. She groaned and grabbed her throat. Kyle laid on the red sofa, and Luke was sprawled on the other bed across from her.

"What. What's going on?" She scanned the room, trying to put together what had happened. The other two woke up instantly and crowded around her.

"Do you remember what happened?" Luke questioned.

"Holy son of a -" she responded suddenly, wincing as she touched the bruises that decorated her neck.

"Yep, she remembers. What do we do?" Kyle asked fearfully, gabbing Viana's arm to keep her from running.

"I-uh. Okay, get her on the floor or something." Luke commanded, dodging a pillow Viana had thrown at him.

The two struggled to get her to calm down, but eventually, she was too exhausted to fight back.

"I already warned the manager. No matter how hard you scream, you are not leaving this room until I've talked to you." Luke warned. Kyle smacked him on the arm.

"Ow! What?" Luke muttered, rubbing his sore arm, and avoiding Kyle's gaze.

"So you know what happened last night, right? You know what that was?" Kyle asked slowly, looking Viana in the eyes. She nodded slowly.

"What is he? Say it." Luke ordered.

"You're a..a-a demon." Viana cried out.

"Meh, close enough." Luke shrugged and then winced when Kyle hit him again, this time over the head.

"Ow! What's your problem?"

"You. Now shut up for a second. Stop acting like you're all that."

"Well, I'm the one who kept us alive yesterday" Luke snarled back.

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