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He wipes some sweat off my face and grabs a glass of water.
"Drink this ok." "Alright."

I guess Ash is now my personal guard.



I sip the water and look up at Ash.
"You're not leaving this cabin until you can run around this place ten times without feeling tired at all." "I can do that now, I'm fine." "Ok, go on then."

I get up and feel my head ache like hell.

I can do this.

As I start to run I feel my whole body weaken at each step.

Stupid illness.

After a couple of rounds I feel myself fall into Ash's arms.
"See, didn't I say you couldn't do it?" "I guess.."
He picks me up and sets me back down on the bed.

Why do I feel so lonely when I'm not near him.
Probably just me being ill.

And before you say anything brain (audience), I am not dense ok.
I know what love is.

So don't be saying that I don't understand what happens when people fall in love.
Cause I do ok.

I got an idea.

"Ash.." "Yer Serena?" "I'm cold.." "Oh, do you want me to sit with you?" "Yes please.."

Yes! It worked!
I'm so clever!

Ash sits down beside me and wraps his arm around me, pulling me into his warm, masculine chest.

Ok I love him.

Now you can't scream at me for denying it.

But I'm not confessing.
I always think the man should confess. 
And I like Ash and me being friends.
I wouldn't want our friendship to be ruined.

I rest my head on his chest as I feel my face heat up.
I think I should be ill more often.

"Are you comfy Serena?"
More ideas rush into my head.
"Uh, c-can I sit on your lap please?"

What is wrong with me!?!?

I see Ash's face heat up.
"U-uh ok."

He gently lifts me up and sets me on his lap, wrapping his arms around me again.
God why is my face so hot!
I lean back into his chest and absorb all the warmth.
God he's comfy.
I feel my eyes close as Ash slowly and gently rubs my hand.

This is the best.
I'm so glad I went to this camp.


I wake and feel really cold.
I slowly spread my arms out to just feel the duvet.

Ash must have left me.

I roll over and touch my head.
Guess I still have a bad fever.

I slowly open my eyes to see it's night time.
Oh, I guess I didn't sleep through the whole night.

I look over to Ash's bed to see it empty.
I wonder were he is.

I'm tempted to call out his name.
I guess I should.

"Ash.."I try to shout but my voice breaks and turns it into a loud whisper.

I hear a few noises but he doesn't come.

I hear more shuffles and then see Ash walk into the room and stand next to the bed.
"How are you feeling Serena?"

His voice sounds dead.
And by that I mean emotionless.
This is not like my Ash.

Guess I should just try and act normal.
"Uh, not great. My head is killing me."

He gives me this weird look.
"Oh poor you."

This is definitely not like him.
He comes closer to me face and wipes his finger across my bottom lip.

Oh no...

That's exactly what Calem used to do to me before he would kiss me...

I gulp hard.
Why is this happening.

I see a small smirk come up on Ash's face.
"I'm sorry Serena, but I can't resist anymore."
His smirk widens and he pins me to the bed.

This is not happening...
Please say this is a dream...

He rests his stomach on me and makes it hard to breathe.
"A-Ash.. p-please don't h-hurt m-me.."

He keeps grinning.
"I can't resist you any more Serena. You're mine!"

Everything after that was a blur and I feel myself black out.


I open my eyes to see Ash looking at me in worry.
"Hey Serena are you okay? You were crying in your sleep."

I don't trust him.
He could just be faking.
I know what he did to me last night.

I break away for his grasp and get off the bed.
My head stills hurts but it's not important right now.

"Serena what's wrong?" "Y-you." I say coldly as I grabbed the baseball bat from my bag.
"Serena what's wrong?! What did I do!?"

I feel my body start to tremble as the memory of Ash last night falls into my brain.

I see Ash get up and I grip the bat tighter.

"Serena I don't know what happened in your dream but it's not real okay. Whatever I did in that dream I never did in real life okay."

I look into his eyes as he softly touches my wrist.
"Please put the bat down Serena, I won't hurt you okay."

I drop the bat onto the floor and Ash brings me into a soft hug.
"A-Ash.." "Yes Serena?" "I-I'm sorry.." "It's okay."
We stay in a hug until Ash gently pulls away and looks into my eyes.
"Are you feeling better now?" He says softly.
"Y-yes. Much better." "Good."
He smiles at me and I hug him again, burying my face into his chest.
"Thankyou Ash." I whisper, closing my eyes to ease the pain of my headache.
"No problem Serena."

Hey guys.
If anyone has any questions for my Q&A just ask in the comment section, I should be posting it around Easter.
So make sure to ask me a question if you want to before that time.

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