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"A-Ash please answer me.."
He walks over to me and looks down at my trembling figure.

We stay in silence for a while till I eventually find the courage to speak up.
"P-please say something to me.. anything.."

He takes in a deep breath before locking eyes with me.

"I'm leaving."


"W-what..?" "I said I'm leaving." "B-but what about our promise.. our future.." "I don't want that anymore. I'm going back to Kanto."

I sink back down to the floor, my hands going to my face as tears leave my eyes.

He lied.
He lied to me.

Gentle sobs leave my lips as I hear Ash walk out of the bathroom.

He's left me.
He's left me all alone.

I weakly sob out, my trembling hands trying to push myself off the bathroom floor.
"I-I thought you loved me! I thought you actually wanted us to be together! You wanted to protect me from harm.. you did it so many times.. but right now all you're doing is hurting me! How can you do this after all we've been through together! Was I just an object you were using.."

I break down at the last sentence I say, my body shaking as loud sobs release themselves out of my lips.

I hear the front door open then slam shut as even more tears fall for my eyes.

He left.
He actually left me alone.

I hear a gentle knock on the door but don't bother to move, my body still feeling too weak.
"Hey bestie you in there?"
I hear a voice shout as I hear the sound of the door opening.
I shakily look up as May pulls me into tight hug, my tears falling onto her shoulder.
"What happened Serena?"
She says as she pulls back and holds me by her shoulders, looking into my eyes.

I let out a shaky breath as I try
to stop the tears still falling from my eyes.
"Where's Ash? Why isn't he here with you?"
As soon as I hear his name I burst into tears again, sobbing onto May's top again.
"Is it Ash? What did he do? Did he leave you?"
I nod and hug her tighter, letting more tears flow.
"I'm so going to kick his ass. When did he leave?" "A-a few minutes a-ago."
I manage to shakily speak out.

May stands up and looks down at me.
"Do you want to come with me?"
I nod and try to get up, my arms trembling underneath me.

May grabs onto my hand and pulls me up.
"You ok?"
She asks as my legs wobble a little.
I wipe the last few tears from my eyes and quickly put some makeup on to hide how horrible my face looks.
"Hey Sere." "Y-yes?"
I say, turning to May.
"Why did Ash leave?" "I-I don't know... he just told me he's leaving and left." "That little shit head.. I'm so gonna beat his ass!"
I sigh and hold in more tears that want to release themselves.

At least I have May to make my day a little brighter.

I still feel really sick though, but at least I can walk now.

"Sere why does it smell like dead bodies in here?" "I-I don't know."
she shrugs.
"Okay then. Now let's go I wanna beat Ash's ass." "Ok."
May grabs onto my hand and pulls me out of the door, making our way towards the exit of the camp.

I listen to May cussing under her breath as she pulls me along.

I really don't know if I can see Ash again.

He's broken me completely.

I'm surprised I haven't burst into tears again.

"There he is!"
May let's go of me and charges towards someone in the distance, who I'm guessing is Ash.
"What the hell are you doing Ash Ketchum!!"
I hear May scream as she grabs Ash by the back of his hoodie, almost choking him.
"W-what the hell May!"
I hear him choke out as she pulls Ash towards me.
"Why did I find Serena in the bathroom sobbing her eyes out?!" "Because I dumped her."

As soon as those words leave Ash's lips tears roll down my face, but I lower my head so he doesn't see.

"W-wait what? Why?"
May stutters, looking up at him.
"Because I don't want to deal with all of Serena's rubbish."

I've had enough of him.

"I hate you!!"
I scream, slapping Ash harshly in the side of the face, running away from him.

I'm so done with all his crap.

All he did was use me.

All he is is a fucking player.

I hear May shout but I ignore her and continue to run to god knows where.

I thought he was different.

I thought he actually loved me.

But I guess it was all a lie.

Don't kill me plz..

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