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I turn around to face Ash.
"Yes?" "I can see your bra." He shouts out, massive grin appearing on his face as a large blush sets on mine.

I quickly cover my chest with my hands.
"Pervert!!" I scream as I run inside, darting into the bathroom.

Why do boys have to always be perverts..

I sigh and turn on the shower.

Guess I'll have to deal with it.


I stretch and flop onto my bed, watching Ash packing from the other side of the room.

Why does he have to go.
Can't he just stay with me.

I sit up and look at him.
"You won't be too long Ash, right?" "Of course I won't be Serena. I'm coming home tomorrow morning ok. I promise." "Okay."
I sigh and hug my legs, resting my head on my knees.

I short while after I feel an added weight on the bed beside me and two muscular arms pull me into the chest I love.
"Don't be sad Sere. I'll only be gone for a day ok. You won't even have time to miss me."
I feel his head rest gently against the side of my face as his lips brush gently only the bruise against my jaw.
"Okay Ash, if you say so."

As soon as the words leave my mouth a blush forms with it as Ash kisses my cheek gently, making warmth flow through me.
"That's your little something to remember me while I'm gone."
He grins against my ear as he lifts me up from the bed, slinging me over his shoulder and making a squeal leave my lips.
"A-Ash!" "What is it cutie?" "W-why are you picking me up like this?!" "Well I need a little help and I like picking you up like this cause I can do this." He grins and pats my bum, making the blush that was already there deepen in colour.
"F-fine I'll help you just put me down!"
I hear him chuckle as my feet touch the floor, a large pout forming on my lips.
"You need to stop picking me up it's annoying.." "Alright cutie. Now come on, I need you to sit on my bag so I can fit everything in."
He grins and I sigh, walking over to the bed.

Does he really need this much stuff just for one night?


"Alright Sere, I'm going now."
I sigh and look up from my phone, seeing that the time was twelve.

"Why are you leaving so early, it doesn't start till two."

I look up into his urban eyes and wait for an answer, looking for any sort of facial change.
"Serena." "Yes?"
He walks over to me quietly bends down so his face in an around an inch away from mine.
"Are you really that upset about me going Serena?"
He looks at me seriously, though I could see concern in his eyes.
"I don't mind you going."

I lied.
I really don't want him to go.
He's the only one that can protect me from

"Okay Sere. I'm going to go okay. Stay happy for me."
He gently placed his hand under my chin, softly rubbing my cheek with his thumb.
"I promise I won't be gone long so don't worry. It's only one night ok." "Ok Ash. Goodbye." "Bye Serena."
He lets go of my chin and grabs his suitcase, giving me a small wave and smile.
I smile and wave back, watching him open the door and leave.

Leaving me all alone.


I sigh and slump down on the floor, bored out of my mind.

I'm honesty going to go insane from how quiet it is.

I rest my chin on the smooth wooden floor and stare at the cobwebs along the side of the wall, cringing at the size of them.

I hope the spiders aren't a big as the webs.
Cause I'd be out this house the moment I saw one.

But seriously though.
What's so damn exciting about some festival.
It's just a load of people dancing and getting drunk.
And getting drunk is not safe for a seventeen year old me who looks fifteen just because of my height.

I sigh again and get up, checking the time as I make my way into the bedroom.

Is it seriously only seven!?

I groan and rub my eyes, drowsiness taking over me.

I think I'm gonna take a nap.

I walk over to my bed and sit on it, gazing over to Ash's bed.

If only I could sleep on it.

Wait...I can.. he's not here to stop me..

I grin widely as I flop onto his bed, the scent of him lifting into my nose.

How is his bed so much comfier!?
And why does it feel so big too!

I think I'm starting to enjoy this time alone a little bit.

I grin to myself and hug his pillow, stuffing my face into it.
I think tonight I'm going to have a very good sleep.

I yawn and close my eyes, the scent of Ash and his soft bed sending me into a happy sleep.


I'm woken from my peaceful sleep by a thump near me.

I wonder what that was?

I lift my head up from the pillow and hug it tighter, looking around the dark room.

I've always hated the dark.

I hide my face behind it, peeking over it.
"I-is anyone there.."
I whisper.

I hear a few more shuffles before I see..

No way..

Hey guys, sorry I took so long to write this.
I've had some end of year assignments to do and I've just had no free time.
Also Thankyou for 10k views ^-^
I'm so happy everyone is reading and enjoying this book, it makes me want to continue writing.
So yeah, see ya!

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