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I'm stopped by a loud knock on the door.
I wonder who it could be?

"I'll get it." I say, as I get up, walking out the bedroom and towards the oak door.

I gently unlock the door and open it.


My breath hitches as I see the person in front of me.

No way..


"Hey babe."
That voice snaps me back into reality as I see the demon I front of me.
"I came to see if you were ok, seeing as the last time we spoke you were sick."

My body froze.
I couldn't speak.
I couldn't move.
My mind had gone blank.

"Baby are you ok?"

His voice sounded so gentle and caring.
But so sick at the same time.

I feel his hand touch my chin and his lips push against my ear.
"I hope you haven't forgotten about your punishment baby."

That voice..
That voice that kills me inside..

"I-I h-haven't-t."
I manage to squeak out.
He breathes into my ear coldly, grasping my hand and pulling me away from the door.

He pushes it with his foot, making the door slam loudly and echo around the cabin.

I suddenly hear the footsteps of Ash as Calem tightens the grip on my hand.

"Hey Serena what's goi- who are you?"
I hear Ash say as he walks towards the two of us, looking at me in confusion.
I just gulp and look away, hoping that the boy of my nightmares disappears.

"Who are you first of all?"
Calem speaks to Ash, a hint of poison in his voice.
"I'm Serena's roommate, Ash Ketchum. What about you?"
I see Ash scowl at Calem.
"Oh and why are you holding Serena's hand?" "One, my name is Calem, I'm not telling you my surname, and two, Serena is my girlfriend, and that's why I'm holding her hand."

I see shock and anger fill his eyes as his fists and teeth clench.
"Get the hell away from her."
Ash coldly whispers, sending a chill down my spine.

Ash is horrifying when he's scary.

I feel the grip on my hand tighten, pain starting to course through my fingers.
I try to pull away but his grip just tightens even more, making the tips of my fingers feel cold.

"Why should I get away from her, she's my girlfriend. You shouldn't tell me to step away from the one I love." "How the hell do you love her when you fricking raped her!!" Ash screams and steps closer to me and Calem, anger coursing through his body.
I could tell Ash had enough of Calem from the moment he saw him.

"Well you know what. She loves me, watch."

I feel myself being pinned against the wall beside me as cold, dry lips pin onto mine, making my heart ache and my body tremble.

I want it all to stop.

I feel his free hand push against my hip, his fingers slowly trailing up my body.

My body says yes but my mind says no.

I don't know what to do.

I hear a growl not so far away as I feel the heavy weight of Calem being pulled off me, his lips leaving mine dry and sore.

I slowly open my eyes to catch Ash punching Calem in the jaw, a groan leaving the brown haired boy.
He falls to the ground as he kicks Ash in the shin, a groan leaving his mouth and Calem's foot makes contact with his leg.

I could see at that point that Ash had had enough.

He grabs Calem by the neck and pins him to the wall.
"You dare touch Serena again and I will punch and kick you till you're a pool of blood on the floor."
He growls in his ear, opening the door and pushing Calem out of it.
"Never come back you bastard!!" Ash screams before slamming the door, the wall shaking from the force.

I was still frozen in place, my mind still trying to comprehend what just happened.

I feel a hand lightly touch my cheek and look up to see Ash looking down at me in worry.
"He didn't hurt you did he?"
I give a small shake of my head as the thoughts of Calem return to my mind, my body cringing from the thought of his hand running up my skin and his lips against mine.

Ash touches my bottom lip gently as I flinch from his touch, the feeling of Calem sucking my lip as he kissed me returning.

I hear Ash sigh lightly.
"I'm so sorry Serena."
I feel my eyes widen in shock.
"F-for what Ash." "For letting him do all this to you, I should have stepped in earlier." "It's ok Ash, I'm fine, there's nothing to worry about."
I smile at him weakly, my lips lifting upwards to show Ash I was ok.
He gently strokes my cheek.
"I'll never let that happen ever again to you ok. I promise to protect you at all cost." "Thankyou Ash."
He pulls me into a soft hug.
"Anything for you Serena."

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