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"We'll get Calem tomorrow. So we can spend the rest of this time in this camp and then live together, as a family."
I grin up at him and nod.
"As a family, together."


I wake up sharply, my eyes flying open as the loud sound of glass smashing echoes through my ear drums.

I feel Ash's body wrap around me, his strong grip on me making me even more worried.
"W-what's going on Ash..?"
I shakily whimper, hearing footsteps just outside our bedroom door.
"It's Calem. He's here."

We had such a lovely night last night, spending the whole day just having fun.

But of course, Calem has to ruin everything..

"Serena~ I know you're in here~"
I push my face into Ash's chest as a whimper leaves my lips, my body shaking.
"Serena calm down it'll be okay. Don't worry."
I clench onto Ash's top even tighter when he tries to get off the bed.
"P-please don't l-leave me.." "I'm just getting your baseball bat Serena, sit there and relax ok?"
I nod as he lets go of me, leaving me feeling even more anxious.

Suddenly the door flies open, Calem charging right towards me.
I see Ash turn around and about to jump to protect me..

But it's too late, the knife was already placed by my neck.

"Step any closer and she's dead."
Calem growls at Ash, turning to me afterwards.
"Hey beautiful~"
He coos, his spare hand making it's way up my thigh and causing a weak sob to release itself from my lips.

I could see Ash in the corner, his fists clenched, pain clear in his eyes.

"P-please s-stop.."
I breathe out as his lips connect with the side of my neck, just a few centimetres away from the knife.
"I'm not going to stop till you're dead."
His sucks harshly on my neck, causing a loud whimper to escape me as Ash growls in fury.
"P-please Ash.. h-help.."
I look at him as a tear trickles down my cheek.

And that's when I saw Ash hit his reaching point.

He charges at Calem, grabbing hold of his neck and slamming him into the wall.
I see Ash's hand tighten around his throat as Calem lets out a weak cry.
"Don't you ever fucking touch my girlfriend like that! She doesn't belong to you and never will! SO JUST DIE!!"
Ash screams, pounding Calem against the wall multiple times till I hear a load crack, causing Ash to drop him.

I see Calem gasp for air as he holds his throat in agony.

Ash walks over to me, not even making eye contact as he picks the knife off the floor beside me, making his way back over to Calem again.
"This ends here you shit."

I stand up and rush over quickly, my legs wobbling too much as I try to grab the knife, missing the handle and cutting my hand on the blade.
I still hold tightly onto it though, ignoring the blood and tears running.
"P-please don't do this inside the house.."
He just looks at me and pushes me away, throwing the knife into Calem's chest as an ear piecing scream leaves him.

I watch all the blood spew from his body as I suddenly feel really tired and weak.
I whisper out before darkness consumes me.


I wake up and open my eyes, the light sending a burning feeling to my forehead.

I sit up slowly as I look around the room, spotting the puddle of blood in the corner.

Why does it make me feel so ill..?

I get up carefully but my legs buckle underneath me as soon as I take my first step, causing my body to collide with the floor with a loud thump.

I gag as the smell of something dead flies through my nostrils, making me almost throw up there and then, but I drag myself to the bathroom before emptying out my insides.

As I lean back from the toilet I see Ash standing by the bathroom door, looking at me with emotionless eyes.

I whisper, trying to pull myself off the floor with help from the toilet.

I fail to do so of course as my legs tremble underneath me.
"I-I don't feel well.."
I speak out to him once again but he still just stands there staring at me.
"A-Ash please answer me.."
He walks over to me and looks down at my trembling figure.

We stay in silence for a while till I eventually find the courage to speak up.
"P-please say something to me.. anything.."

He takes in a deep breath before locking eyes with me.

"I'm leaving."

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