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We stay silent for a few seconds till Ash's hand goes back to Calem's neck.
"That's enough. Get inside Serena. I'll deal with him."
I walk up to him, wrapping my arms around his back.
"Please don't do anything you'll regret. Please." "Alright darling." "Thank you."
I walk off as I glance at Calem, his eyes staring into mine.

The demon never leaves, no matter how hard you try.


Four days remaining

I shut the door, locking it from the inside.

I take a sharp breath and lean against the door, trying to steady my breathing.

I can't believe he's back..
Why.. why is he back..
How did he come back..

My heart stops as the wall behind me suddenly shakes, a scream shortly coming after it.

I shrink to the floor as I put my hands to my ears, my body shaking.

I can't deal with all of this.

It's too much..

It stays silent for a few minutes, till the door beside me opens, urban eyes locking with mine.
"Serena come here."
He sits down beside me and pulls my trembling body into his, hushing softly in my ear.

"It's all ok."

No it isn't.

"You're safe now Serena."

No I'm not.

"We can live happily together now."

You're leaving in four days.

"Nothing will hurt you now."

He always comes back.


He's going to come back and ruin my life.


There's no escape from him.


I snap back into reality to see Ash in front of me, my fingers clawing into his shoulders.
"Calm down ok.. calm down."
He pulls me into him as I hide my face in the crook of his neck.
"You don't have to be scared. I've got you. You're safe with me ok. You're safe."
I slowly relax as Ash's hand softly rubs my back.

If Ash wasn't here I don't know what I'd do.

"Do you feel better now cupcake?"
I nod gently and pull him into a kiss.

He may have many horrible things to Calem but he's saved my life.
I would be dead if he didn't do those things.

I look up at him.
"Yes Ash?" "Why don't we do what we were going to do in the first place." "What was that?" "Cuddle and watch movies."
He grins, a small smile setting on my face.
"That sounds great Ashy."


I cuddle into Ash as I watch the movie, popping a piece of popcorn in my mouth.

After a pretty heated conversation I finally got my way and got to watch the movie I wanted instead of some superhero rubbish.

Ash doesn't seem to be enjoying himself though.

"Cheer up will you."
I say, prodding his cheek.
"This movie is shit though."
I puff out my cheeks and scowl at him.
"Well I'm sorry that we're not watching your superhero crap." "It's not crap! They're really good films! This is crap!" "It's not crap at all! You just have bad taste." Oh do I now?" "Yeah."
I say smugly, causing Ash to stare into my eyes.

Oh god he's given me the devil eyes.
They're horrifying ok, it's like looking at a bear right before it's about to attack you.

"Are you sure you don't want to change what you said Serena?"
I gulp and look away from him.
I feel his fingers brush my chin and pull my head towards him, his lips going to my ear.
"Are you sure?"
A small whimper escapes my lips as Ash immediately snaps out of it.
"I was just joking sugar pie. Don't be scared."
He pulls me into his chest, his warmth surrounding me once more.
"Y-you're scary when you go all serious." "Sorry cupcake, I'll make sure to not joke around with you in that way anymore ok?" "Thank you Ashy."
I whisper in his ear.
"No problem. Now let's watch this movie, you don't want to miss any of it do you?" "Nope."
I snuggle back into his chest, grabbing the popcorn bowl.

I don't know how I'll be able to handle without Ash.
He's everything to me.

He saves me from so much.

I can't let him go.
He means too much to me.

Hey guys, sorry for the short chapter.
I've been busy lately with exams so I haven't had time to write.
Hopefully I'll be able to write a longer chapter for you guys next time.

Hope you enjoyed it!

See ya (╹ω╹๑ )

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