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"Thankyou Ash. Thankyou so much."
I feel his arms latch around my body as I breathe in his honey scent.

This date is going to be amazing.


I put on the heels and make my way over to Ash, making sure not to fall over.

It would be very bad if broke my ankle on my first date with Ash.

"You ready cupcake?" "Cupcake?" "Yeah, it's your new nickname."
He grins.
He grabs my hand, intertwining our fingers together as we make our way outside.
"So what are we going to do Ash?"
He turns around and looks at me, holding my waist gently.
"Well I thought we'd just hang out together you know, like go have some dinner, and stuff like that." "But why are we dressed up?" "Because I really wanted to see you in a tight black dress cause I know you'd look really hot."
He winks at me while my cheeks flush red.
"P-pervert.." "Hottie." "S-shut up.." "Nope."
I stand there flustered in silence, not knowing how to reply till I feel two warm arms wrap around my waist and soft lips brush my jaw.
He coos into my ear in almost a whisper.
"We could ditch the date and just go make out you know."
My blush instantly darkens as I turn around and push his chest forcefully, trying to get out of his grasp.

But I don't move.

"A-Ash get off me!" "No." "Please!" "No."
I stop pushing and look down, giving up.

I don't even know why I tried to fight a man like five inches taller than me.

"Ash. Please can you just let me go."
I say in a whisper, still looking down and avoiding contact.
"Serena look at me please, then I'll let you go."
I look up into his urban eyes as I feel something brush my right ring finger.
"Ok you can look down now."
I see a soft smile on his face as he lets go of me, taking a step back too.

I look down at my right hand to see the most beautiful diamond ring I have ever seen.
He steps towards me and gently takes hold of my hand, moving the ring with his thumb.
"It's beautiful isn't it, just like you."
He grins as I run into his arms, a tear or two leaking out from my eyes.
"It's perfect. Thankyou."
I sniffle, hugging him tighter.
"Anything for you Sere. Now I need to ask you something important, so I need to see that pretty face."
I pull away and smile at him as our eyes lock.
"What is it Ash?" "Serena."
He grabs my hand gently.
"Yes?" "Will yo-"
Ash is cut off by a fist hitting the side of his head, knocking him out cold.

I'm cut off as a hand pushes over my mouth and an arm pushes me away from Ash.

I feel lips brush my ear as a husky voice echoes into it.
"Hey baby, how you doing."

As soon as I hear the voice I immediately try to pull away, my screams and cries muffled by his hand.
"Stop it or I'll knock you out!!"
He roars, pushing me to the ground and immediately kneeling over me.
"Now you listen here slut, if you don't get away from Ash now, I'll come over to your cabin, and stab you and Ash to pieces. You got it?"
I nod as I let out a shaky breath, tears threatening to spill.
"Good, now you're coming with me. You're getting the punishment you deserve."
My eyes immediately widen as he covers over my mouth, his fist hovering above my head.
"Night night princess."
Is all I hear before his fist collides with my head.


I sit up sharply, my breathing heavy.

Where the hell am I?

I look around, seeing that I'm in a cabin, but it isn't mine.

And that's when everything comes flooding back to me.

I stand up quickly, running to the front door and pushing down the door handle.

It's locked.

"Trying to escape are you?"
I hear a cackle from behind.
"W-where's Ash?!"
I shout, but he just laughs at me more.
"Trying to be tough hey? Well that's not going to work on me!"
He pins my arms above my head with one hand, using the other to cover my mouth.

I try to break free but he just tightens his grip.

"What should I do to you this time? Maybe a lot of torturing, that sounds good."
He stares into my eyes with a wide grin across his mouth, making me whimper behind his hand.

I just want this all to stop..

"Is there anything you want to say?"
He drops his hand from my mouth as tears start to fall from my eyes.
"Oi bitch why are you crying? Are you scared or something?"
He looks into my eyes as I weakly nod, letting my head drop down and away from his stares.
"I'm horrified.."
I whisper, my voice becoming dry as more tears drop onto the wooden floor.
I feel a hand grip my chin hard and harshly lift it up.
"What was that?"
I take in a shaky breath as I repeat my words to him.
"I'm horrified of you Calem.."

I was so tempted to put camel there :3

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