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He gently lifts my chin, brushing my tears away with his thumb.
"Y-yes Ash?" "Lets try and have the greatest last week ever. Yes?" "Y-yes. Let's make it the best week ever."
I say, pulling a weak grin onto my lips.
"Thank you Serena."


Six days remaining.

My eyes flutter open, his lovely honey scent filling my nose.

I grip his top gently, letting out a quiet yawn as I nuzzle my boyfriend gently.
He mumbles, his hand finding mine as he gently squeezes them.
"Yes Ash?"
I whisper into his chest, his warmth soothing me.
"I love you."
I feel his lips touch my forehead, causing a smile to edge up on my lips.
"I love you too Ash."
He grabs my hips gently and pulls me closer to him.
"I'm going to miss you so much when I leave cutie. I'm going to miss you so so much."
I let out a shaky breath and bite my lip, stopping it from trembling.
"I-I'll miss you too Ash."
I just about let out before tears start falling down my cheeks.
"Oh cupcake.. don't cry.. please."
He pulls me onto his lap and pushes my head into his chest, rubbing his hand softly across my back to try and soothe me.

But I can't be calmed down.
Not when I know that in six days the love of my life is going to leave me forever.
I can't be happy even though I want to make these last few days amazing.

It's just too hard.

"Please Serena.. please don't be sad.. it hurts to see you like this.." "I-I'm sorry Ash. I just can't live without you.."
I sob out, more tears falling from my eyes.

Ash lifts my chin, my eyes locking with his chocolate ones.
"Relax cupcake, it'll be all ok. We're going to spend these last few days together and have the greatest time ever. Yeah?"
I rub my eyes and nod as Ash's lips connect with mine in a loving kiss.

He breaks the kiss and looks down at me, a soft smile showing.
"Why don't we have a shower and then do something fun?" "Ok Ash."
He picks me up and carries me into the bathroom, shutting the door with his foot.
"W-what are you doing Ash?"
I stutter as he places me on the floor, a smirk finding its way onto his face.
"We're having a shower together Sere. Can't you see that?" "No!"
I squeal, my face reddening as I firmly push my hands against his chest.
A light chuckle escapes his lips.
"Why can't we Sere?" "B-becaus- j-just no!" "Ok ok."
He laughs and opens the door, looking back at me.
"Be quick alright, I need to have a shower too."


I look over to the the bathroom as Ash opens the bathroom door, walking out in a black t-shirt and jeans.

He walks over to me.
"You ready to go have some fun cupcake?"
I smile and hop off my bed, grabbing hold of his hands.
He grips one of my hands tightly and pulls me to the door, opening it and walking outside.
"I thought we should go see May and Gary first, so we're all going round to Gary's cabin ok?" "Ok Ash. That sounds nice."

We walk to Gary's cabin as I hear May's voice from inside.
"Damn she's loud. You can always tell when May's around can't you."
Ash chuckles as he knocks on the door, his other hand squeezing mine softly.
"Hey Gary!"
Ash says as Gary opens the door.
"Sup Ashy boy!"
Gary shouts back, pulling Ash away from me and into a man hug.

He pulls away and looks down at me.
"Sup Serena, getting in there with Ashy boy are ya."
I feel a blush hit my cheeks as I shuffle myself behind Ash, shoving my head into Ash's back.
"You two would be such a cute couple you know." "They are a couple!!"
May screams behind Gary, leaping herself onto me.
"I'm so so so so glad that you two are together again!!" "I am too May."
I hug back, a large smile appearing on my face.

I'm going to miss everyone so much.

My smile drops as I look sadly over to Ash.
He gives me a gentle smile in return but I can see the sadness in his eyes too.
"Come one guys lets go inside."
Gary says as we all follow him inside, Ash grabbing onto my hand as we walk through the door.

I don't want this week to ever end.

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