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I'm going to miss everyone so much.

My smile drops as I look sadly over to Ash.
He gives me a gentle smile in return but I can see the sadness in his eyes too.
"Come one guys lets go inside."
Gary says as we all follow him inside, Ash grabbing onto my hand as we walk through the door.

I don't want this week to ever end.


Five days remaining

I wake up to Ash's breath gently fanning my skin, as a small yawn escaping my lips.

Yesterday was amazing.
We hung out all day messing about and telling each other stories about our life.

In the end we ended up all on the sofa watching movies till I fell asleep on Ash.
Next thing I know I'm back here in our cabin.

I guess he probably carried me home.

"Sere.." Ash murmurs, his hands finding my waist as he hugs me tight.
"Morning Ashy."
I whisper into his ear, placing a light peck on it afterwards.
I see a large smile form on his lips as he looks into my eyes, his chocolate brown locking with my ocean blue.
"Morning my little cutie pie."
He chuckles, lifting me onto his chest.
"Whatcha wanna do today?"
He asks me as I hide my face in the crook of his neck.
"Cuddle and watch movies all day."
I mumble, laugh leaving my boyfriends lips.
"Is that seriously what you what to do cupcake?" "Yes. I'm tired after yesterday I don't want to do anything." "Alright."
He lifts me off his chest, placing me swiftly on the floor.

I lift my arms up and stretch, watching him get up.
"How's that cut on your hand?"
He asks, placing my small hand in his big ones, gently brushing the scab with his thumb.
"It's still a little sore but, it's a lot better.
"That's good to hear, I'm glad all those bruises are gone now too."
I nod in reply as a few of my memories of Calem pop into my head.

It's weird that he's not around anymore.
I'm always used to him knocking on our door or texting me.
I don't miss him.
It just feels a bit different without him.

"He's dead you know."
I look up at Ash to see a serious expression planted onto his features.
"I-I know. I saw the blood.."
I feel my stomach churn as the sight of it fills my vision again.

It was horrid.

Ash gently touches my chin with two of his fingers, pushing my head up to face him.
"Don't think about him anymore ok? He's dead. He won't ever touch you again. You'll be able to live free now." "Thank you Ash." "Anything for you cupca-"
Ash is cut off by a loud bang at the door.
"I'll get it."
Ash says to me before walking to the door, opening it.

I hear silence for a while, so I decide to walk over to see what's happening.
I whisper out, seeing the door wide open, Ash not there.

All of a sudden the cabin wall shakes, a cry leaving someone's mouth.

I quickly run outside, a gasp leaving my lips as I spot Ash's hand wrapped around a guys neck.
Ash's head whips around to face me, his dark eyes locking into mine.
"Get in the house. Now."
He says sternly, his hand gripping tighter around the mans neck.
"W-who is that Ash..?" "I-it's me you bitch.." My eyes widen as the voice flies through my ears.

He survived..

"Serena get the hell inside!" "N-no. I need to ask Calem something." "No! Get inside!" "Shouldn't you let your girlfriend speak Ash Ketchum, you shouldn't be so controlling."
He cusses at Calem but let's me speak by dropping his hand from his neck, allowing me step a little closer too.
"How did you survive that..?" "It wasn't that hard, just had to patch myself up."
He lifts his top to show the large scar across his stomach.

We stay silent for a few seconds till Ash's hand goes back to Calem's neck.
"That's enough. Get inside Serena. I'll deal with him."
I walk up to him, wrapping my arms around his back.
"Please don't do anything you'll regret. Please." "Alright darling." "Thank you."
I walk off as I glance at Calem, his eyes staring into mine.

The demon never leaves, no matter how hard you try.

Hey guys.
Sorry for taking so long to update, I'll make sure to post the next chapter on time.

See ya (╹ω╹๑ )

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