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"You don't ever touch Serena like that. She doesn't belong to you, she never will. Got it?" "N-no she's min-"
He cut off by a punch to the jaw, making him stumble to the side and fall over.
"Don't touch her ever again."

He bends down to me, holding my cheek gently.
"Oh Serena.."
I grin weakly at him and he smiles back.
"Thankyo- Ash!"

I jump in front of Ash, using the last of my strength as the burning metal touches me, searing my skin.



"Serena answer me."


I groggily open my eyes, a groan leaving me as the light makes my head burn.

I blink a few times before my vision focuses on the person in front of me.

Hazel eyes.
Jet black hair.
Tanned skin.
Amazing chiselled jaw.
It has to be him.

I lift my arm up and rest it on his soft hair, ruffling it slightly.
"Oh god Serena you worried me so much."
I feel myself being lifted off the floor and into Ash's arms.
Immediately I look around to see where I am.
"Ash. Where's Calem?" "I dealt with him, he shouldn't be awake for a while."
I grip onto Ash's top as a searing pain suddenly runs through my arm, making a gasp leave my lips.

I quickly look down to see the large red gash burnt into my skin, the wound throbbing and oozing out with god knows what.

"W-what happened..?"
I whimper, trying to do whatever I can to take the pain away.
"You protected me from Calem. You stopped me being hit by a some sort of metal pole. I think he must have put it in a fire before because it burnt straight through your skin."
He lifts me gently off his lap and puts me on the floor.
"Stay right there, I'll make it better ok?"
I nod as Ash walks into another room.

I look around and spot Calem by the door.
Dry blood was around his nose and eye and there was quite a big lump on his forehead.

I guess Ash definitely meant it when he said that he dealt with him.

I glance back down at the burn.

That's definitely going to scar.
How am I meant to tell my mum about this.
'Oh I stuck my hand in a fire.'

She wouldn't believe me at all.

"Serena I'm back."
I look up at Ash as he kneels down in front of me, a first aid kit in his hand.
"I'll make it feel all better, I promise."
He gently lifts my arm grabbing some cream out of the box and putting some on his finger.
"This is gonna sting so close your eyes ok."
I nod and close my eyes quickly as the already horrible pain suddenly becomes worse, making me jolt my arm away.
"Serena I need to do this it'll be over quickly I promise."
I shake my head and look up at him.
I whimper out, bringing my arm closer to me.
"Please Serena." "No."
I feel his hand take hold of my chin gently as he forces me to look into his eyes.
"Relax Serena, it'll be ok, just focus on me."

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