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"Serena I love you. I love you more than anything and I want you to be my gi-" "Yes!"
I shout as I turn around and leap into his chest, tears of happiness flying out of my eyes.
"I love you too Ash. I really do."
I sob, hugging him as tightly as I can.
"Ok ok."
He laughs, hugging me back.
I grin at him before I kiss him, putting all my love for him into it.

He pulls away and looks into my eyes.
"I love you Serena." "I love you too Ash."


I open my eyes as I come face to have with Ash's chest.

Did last night really happen?

I look up to Ash's face to see two urban eyes staring down at me.
"Morning beautiful."
He grins, tangling our fingers together.

It really did happen..

"Morning Ash."
I softly speak back, a smile falling on my lips.
"How did you sleep?" "I slept great, what about you?" "I slept amazing with my girlfriend in my arms."
I feel a blush hits my cheeks.

I still can't believe I'm Ash's girlfriend.
I never thought I'd actually start dating him.

"I love you Serena."
He says to me softly, running his fingers along my jaw.
"I love you too Ash."
I whisper back, resting my head on his chest.

Ash gently pushes my head up, his fingers brushing across the side of my neck as a sigh escapes his lips.
"What's wrong Ash?" "The marks. They're still there." "Oh."
He runs his finger over a certain point, my breath hitching as he pushes down on it.
"A-Ash-" "What did he do to you that night Serena?"
I let out a shaky breath as it all comes back to me.
"I-I don't want to talk about it Ash." "Serena pleas-" "Ash. Please can we not."
I say pleadingly, looking up into his eyes.
"Ok Serena, I'm sorry." "It's fine."

I get up and grab some clothes, walking into the bathroom and locking the door afterwards.

I love Ash I really do but, he needs to know that I can't talk about these things.
They bring back too many horrible memories that I just want to forget.

I get changed and open the door, looking into the bedroom.
My eyes become locked with Ash's, as my whole body freezes and a blush sets on my cheek.

Why is he shirtless?!

"Sere, come here please."
I nod and walk over there, keeping my eyes to the floor so I don't stare at him.

His hand touches my jaw and pushes it up, his eyes now staring into mine.
"Why did you get changed Serena, I wanted to cuddle you all day." "O-oh."
I reply, my eyes glancing down at his chest.

How can an eighteen year old have such a buff body?!

"I guess we can go do something instead of cuddle."
He sighs, throwing on a t-shirt.

I'm about to reply till a loud noise in the distance causes my breath to hitch.

I feel Ash grab onto my body and pull me into his chest as the floor shakes.
I clutch his shirt with my trembling fist as I burry my face into his top.

After a few seconds it falls silent around us again.

"A-Ash w-what was t-that..?"
I whimper out, keeping myself firmly against Ash.
"I don't know Serena. I'm going out there to check it out now." "N-no!"
I shout out as he moves away from me, my body rushing back into the safe place I was before.
"P-please don't leave m-me.." "Serena.."
He gently rubs my back as he places a gently kiss on my cheek.
"It'll be ok Serena, I'm just going outside. There's no need to be scared. I'll be safe and you'll be safe. Just sit down on your bed and wait for me ok. We can cuddle the rest of the day if you want too."
I nod as my hand releases its tight grip on Ash's shirt, my slightly less trembling body moving away from him.
"P-please be quick." "I will Serena, don't worry."
He leans down and places his lips on mine, warmth spreading through my body.

Boyfriends must be magic.
They can calm you down, make you happy when you're sad.
Ash can even make me fall asleep just by cuddling me and talking to me.

No one has ever been able to do that before.
Not even my mum.

His lips leave mine as I watch him leave, the fear sinking back into me.

What if he gets hurt..

I need to go after him.
There's no way in hell I'd let him die.
He means too much to me.

I rush out the front door as I see him walking towards a cloud of smoke.
I rush after Ash till I see Calem approach out of the smoke, a knife held firmly in his left hand.
I scream, as they both whip their heads towards me.
"What the hell are you doing here Serena!?" "Calem's going to kill you!! Get away Ash! He has a knife!"
As soon as the words come out of my mouth Calem runs toward Ash.
"Ash run!!"
I scream again as I run towards him as well, tears falling from my face.

I can't lose him..
He means so much to me..
There's no way I'd be able to live without him..

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