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Please read this:

Hey guys, sorry for the long wait.
I decided to take a break and get back to the real world for a bit.
I started to become a lot less sociable so I wanted to change that and get my life back.
But I'm back and ready to finish TOSC! (tales of summer camp)
So, thank you all for reading this and, I hope you all enjoy ^-^


"Hey Serena." "Yes Ash?" "Now that we're dating, I want us to make a little promise between us both. That ok?" "Of course Ashy. What is it?" "Well, I promise that I will always be there to love, support and comfort you, as long as you stay by my side."
He takes a deep breath a grabs hold of my hand gently.
"And keep holding my hand."
He grins, pecking my cheek lightly.
I grin back, hugging him tightly.

And I told myself to keep that promise, for Ash, and for me.

But I guess promises are meant to be broken..


One day remaining

Mumbles were the only thing I heard as I came around.

Every noise around me was mixed into one.

I could hear many people shouting, and lots of shuffling and running.

It was bizarre.

Why would they be running?

What's happening out there?


One clear word.

I wonder why that one word was clear, and why no others were.

Maybe it's because it's my name.

I think it is anyway.

There may be other Serena's here though.

I'm probably not the only one here.

Everything seems calm though.

Am I dead?

I can't feel anything, but it seems as though I can think, seeing as I'm talking to myself.

I wonder if Ash got out safely, and May too.

I hope they're both ok.

I wonder if Ash is still smiling without me.

I hope he is.

It's the one thing I always want him to keep doing, even if I'm gone because his smile is perfect, and always makes me happy.

And I'm sure it'll make many other people happy too.

Thank you Ashy, for being my boyfriend.
For caring for me.
For keeping me safe.
For loving me.

I will never forget you, I promise.


Quiet muffles were all I heard as I woke.

"Is she awake?"
I heard a voice say.

It sounds familiar, but at the same time not.

Where am I?

I feel my fingers twitch and move them slowly, but something else touches them, skin, I think.

It's warm and very comforting so I let it stay attached to my hand, and gently squeeze it with my fingers to try and work out what it is.

I want to open my eyes to see where I am but it looks so bright.

I don't want to give myself a headache.

"Serena. Serena can you hear me?"
I hear faintly, the same voice ringing through my ears.

I try to speak to reply but all that comes out is a large huff of air.
"Serena. Please open your eyes for me."
I guess I should trust whoever this is, cause they knows my name.

I slowly try to open my eyes, but the blinding light hits them, forcing them to close once again.
"Oh, is it too bright? I'll shut the curtains. Just wait a sec ok?"
I hear a few quiet shuffles as it darkens around me, making the large headache that I have feel a little less painful.

I gently open my eyes, many colours blurring into each other, making foggy browns, whites and blacks.

"Serena. Serena please look at me."
I glance up to where the noise is coming from to see a figure.

It looked human..

I think..?

"Serena. Serena it's me. Ash."


I know that name.

But from where?

"You probably don't know who I am. The doctors said you'd probably have forgotten everything in the past few months. So.. that's all the time we spent together.. so I'm probably nothing to you right now.."

That voice.. I know that voice..

But from where?

It's not my mums.. and it's not old enough to be my dads if he's still alive..

Who is this Ash?

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