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I walk past Ash and slip into my bed, rolling over and listening to the sound of Ash getting into his bed.

Tomorrow's going be great.



I open my eyes and quietly groan, throwing a hand over my eyes.

God I need sleep..

I sit up as the world spins a little, but I try to ignore it and get up and get changed, hearing that Ash is in the shower.


Ash steps out the bathroom just as the sound of the doorbell rings in my ears, making my head pulse even more.

I need sleep..

I walk into the living room as Ash opens the door, Lillie appearing with a large smile on her face.

Go get your teeth sorted out you ugly bitch!

I sigh and walk into the bedroom, grabbing a bag of crisps from my draw as I watch the room blur slightly.

I'm sure the lack of sleep is affecting me now.

I nibble on a crisp as I hear Lillie and Ash happily talk about things.

They would be a perfect couple.
Why would I ever think that Ash wants me.

I'm just a mess.
I'm almost invisible to Ash when Lillie is around.

As I stand up my legs start to wobble but I ignore them and walk towards the living room.

Soon after that though I realise ignoring them was a stupid idea as my legs collapse underneath me and my head collides with the floor, blacking me out instantly.


I slowly open my eyes, a loud groan escaping my lips afterwards.

I do not feel well at all..

I sit up slowly as the room spins
a little.

I sigh and look over to Ash's bed.
It's night time but he's not here.

I get up slowly, making sure that I'm balanced, and make my way into the living room.

Where my heart breaks.

Ash is laying on the sofa, Lillie gently leaning against his chest as his arms are wrapped around her.

Why am I in love with such a heartbreaker.

I drop to my knees as I clench my pulsing head tightly.
All these emotions connected with my lack of sleep really isn't doing good for me.

I hear some shuffling and the noise of footsteps coming towards me as two warm arms wrap around my body.
"Serena, are you ok?"
He looks at me worriedly as my vision blurs up again.
"Serena answer me please."
He lifts me onto his lap and gently lifts my chin, looking into my eyes.

I just let out a shaky breath and push my body into his chest, gripping onto his shirt tightly.

He gently rubs my back, soothing me and calming me down.
"A-Ash." "Yes Serena?" "P-please don't leave me for her."

I know I shouldn't have said it but I couldn't help myself.
I can't lose Ash, even if he is a heartbreaker.

I need him.

"Don't worry about that Sere. I'm all yours." "B-but why were you sleeping there with Lillie." "Sere I fell asleep before her. She was the one who went asleep next to me. Don't worry ok, me and Lillie are just friends."
I nod as I snuggle into Ash's chest, my body suddenly feeling exhausted.

"Ash what's going on."
Is all I hear from Lillie before I fall out of consciousness.


I slowly open my eyes, the light instantly blinding me.
I shakily breathe out, hearing footsteps coming towards me.

My body feels so weak..

"Sere, oh thank god you're awake. You scared me a little when you passed out on me."
I pull my arm over my eyes to try and soothe the headache as I feel Ash gently take hold my other hand.
"Serena. What's wrong with you? Are you ill?" "I-I feel so weak Ash."
I heave out, my body wanting to sleep again.

One thing I know now:

Never not sleep for a whole week, it's 100% not good for you.

I feel Ash's body gently push against mine as his toned arms wrap around me.
"Have a sleep then Sere, I'll be here to keep you safe. I promise."
He whispers into my ear, pushing my body closer to him.
"B-but Ash.." "Just sleep Sere ok, don't worry about anything else." "Ok Ash.."
I turn around and push my face into his chest, bringing my body closer to him.
"Don't push you face too much into my chest Sere, you don't want to suffocate yourself."
Ash chuckles, pushing me away a little and leaving a pout on my face.
"But Ash.. let me please~" "Alright alright, as long as you have a nice long rest."
I push my body against him and close my eyes, feeling Ash's breath fanning my neck as I drift off into a slumber.


I open my eyes and let out a loud yawn, nuzzling the warm chest that's beside me afterwards.

I love it when Ash sleeps with me.
I always get a lovely amount of sleep and I get to wake up cuddling with him.

It's just the best.

I shuffle forward a little, clenching Ash's top gently and resting my forehead against his chest as I close my eyes.

"Serena stop moving.."
I hear Ash groan as his arms tighten around my waist and I'm pushed closer to him.

A blush fills my cheeks.
We're so close to eachother!
My chest is literally pushed against his.
I'm so glad I'm wearing a bra..

I tug on Ash's top a little.
I hear another groaning sound erupt from Ash's mouth as he sits up, pulling me into his lap.
"What is it Sere.."
He yawns, rubbing his eyes afterwards.

I'm about to answer when I see the state of Ash's hair, making a giggle leave my lips.
"What's so funny?" "Your hair, it's a mess."
I chuckle, lifting my body up a little and running my fingers gently through his hair, trying sort the mess out.
"You really need to cut your hair Ash, it's really messy." "But I like my hair, I don't wanna cut it."

I giggle to myself.
Ash can be so cute sometimes.

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