13: Same As That!

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"Loving you wasn't my choice, it wasn't in my hand. It was all ruled by my heart. It just happened and when finally my mind came out of the daze, I was damn so close to destruction. Have you ever seen a rain drop slowly trickling down the window glass, moving to a point where it would be destroyed? Same as that!

It scared me, how I felt restless whenever you would leave and I would keep searching for home in people and things but never being able to find it because you were my home and without you I was homeless and lost. Have you ever seen a lost bird at evening as it begin to dark, searching for its way back home? Same as that!

I loved music, did you know your voice was my favourite tune. I would always listen to you talking about stuff you liked because it calmed me. Have you ever heard the sound of rain, water flowing in a melodious rhythm spreading calmness? Same as that!

Black never was my favourite colour but that until I saw your eyes, so deep, so pure. I drowned in the deepness of the black sea and there was no way to come back to the shore. Have you ever seen the darkness of the night, so gracefully drowning everything in its embrace? Same as that!

But when you were gone you left me struggling, trying to hold on to that shattered heart you gave me but I failed and my hope died. Have you ever seen a dying candle after it has been lit on, struggling to let itself keep burning but it dies anyway? Same as that!"


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