Chapter Fourteen: You'll be Inseparable

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Gif of Yang Yang who plays Tommy up above^


The next morning I woke up to a loud buzzing noise.

With my eyes still shut, I searched my bedside table for the source of the noise, almost knocking over my lamp. My fingers finally curled around my phone, which I checked, squinting against the sudden bright light. It was a message from Ryan.

Hey Linda, I'm bringing the things you need for the prank.


Ok, great. When are you going to give them to me?


Lunch time. Meet me near her locker.


Yes sir.



I couldn't wait to scare the shit out of the Demon.


At lunch I scarfed down a sandwich, gulped down half a bottle of water, and then rushed out towards the Demon's locker. As I rounded the corner, I saw that Ryan had yet to arrive. I came to a halt by her locker, and waited. And waited. And waited. Eventually, I decided to text him, my patience running out.


Where are you? I'm waiting by her locker like you said to.

After a minute I got a reply.


Don't worry about it. I handled it during my free period.


What did you do?


You'll see. I suggest you get out of there before you become a suspect tho.

I didn't know what he had done, but decided to go to the bathroom.

Five minutes later I was at my table, listening to everyone blabber on about how @thelyingserpent posted about a boy called Rhys, who had been caught cheating on his girlfriend twice.

The boys were also sitting at our table because even though Ley hadn't forgiven Jacko, she could sit near him without snapping.

After the bell rang, Lissie and I began walking to English. Out of nowhere, Ryan fell into step on my other side, and slung his arm around my shoulders.

"What do you think you're doing?" I hissed, feeling uncomfortable under everyone's stares.

"I wanted to be there when you saw the revenge scheme in action, and see the look on your face," he replied breezily.


Lissie caught my eye and gave me a suggestive grin, which I ignored. When we turned the corner, Sabrina was at her locker, opening the door. She pulled out a jar, filled with something, then gave a loud, piercing shriek, dropping the jar. The jar shattered into fragments of glass, and dozens of moths fluttered up into the corridor, flying into people's faces and around Sabrina. Sabrina continued to shriek, running down the corridor. I looked at Ryan, impressed.

"Well, that was certainly something. How did you do it?"

"Ah, now that would be exposing my secrets Linda. We both know I wouldn't want that."

Just before we entered the classroom, Lissie held me back. "Damn Linda, I can totally see the sparks flying. He set dozens of moths into the hallways for you."

I rolled my eyes. "Shut up Lissie. Honestly, I don't get why he's even hanging around me. I wish he wouldn't."

"Soon enough, you'll be inseparable." Lissie winked before dragging me into the classroom.


By hometime everyone was gossiping about the Demon's fear of moths. If you didn't hear it from the rumour mill, then you would've seen it on @thelyingserpent's Instagram.

I wanted to feel bad, but that got her back for her whole 'singing fiasco' post on that stupid account. However, I did wonder about if she really was behind the account. I shook my head, ridding myself of those thoughts. Nita and them were probably right, it was just Sabrina trying to avert suspicion.

Nita had decided to join Summer and I on the way home, which then brought Lissie and Ley over to our car, blabbering on about how we needed to hang out away from the drama and revenge schemes.

So off I drove, the windows down, feeling the fall wind blow through my hair. It felt so right, the biting air nipping at my skin, the radio playing music, the laughs and chatter of my friends all around me.

For the first time in a while, I felt carefree. 


A/N: Idk how I feel about this chapter if I'm being honest. How did you guys like it? I feel like it's kinda weird but I'll leave it up for now. I need to update more often lmao

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