Chapter Thirty: The Date

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I gave myself a once-over in the mirror, double-checking every aspect of my outfit. I wore a floral print off the shoulder top, and a pair of leggings. I also had a black bomber jacket to keep warm. The outfit was good for a semi-formal outfit, with the shirt being pretty but not to the extent of a dress.

After pinning my hair up in a bun and adding a pearl necklace and white-gold earrings to my outfit, I hurried down the stairs. After putting my wallet and phone into my purse, I slipped on my black ballet flats and waited on the staircase for Ryan to come. As soon as I had sat down, the hum of an engine reached my ears, signalling Ryan's arrival. I jumped up and opened the door, locking it behind me and walking to his car.

"Hey." Ryan stood by the driver seat, jeans and a hoodie. His hair was ruffled, the blond strands sticking up in different angles.

"Hey." I walked over to the passenger side of the door, and hopped in. Ryan got back in, and drove out of the driveway, humming to the song playing on the radio.

"So where are we going tonight?"

He smiled at me. "We're going to go to the amusement park."


I held the big stick of candy floss, savouring every sticky strand that melted in my mouth. We traipsed along the various stalls, the majority of them being carnival type games.

"Wanna go on the ferris wheel?"

I glanced at the wheel, then looked back at Ryan. "Why don't we go on that one?" I asked, pointing to a circular ride that takes the passengers up into the air and down the other way, making a full 360 circuit.


We joined the queue for the ride, and I chucked my candy floss stick in the nearest bin as the line slowly moved forward. Eventually we got to the front of the line, and it was our turn to go on the ride. Strapping myself in, I felt the nerves appear, making my hands clammy. I hope I don't fall.

Suddenly we were off, and I was being swung around, up into the air. The ride came to a stop at the top, so that we were at a 80 degree angle. A few seconds later we swung back down, only to be brought back up again. This happened three more times, before the ride swung us all the way around, making the air sting at my eyes, causing them to water. As the ride came to a stop, I clambered off and walked to the exit, waiting for Ryan at the gates. I rubbed the water out of my eyes, cursing my sensitive eyeballs.

"That was so much fun-wait are you crying?"

"No! No, I just have sensitive eyes, the air made my eyes water a little."

"You sure?" Ryan asked, worry etched in his features.

"Don't worry so much, this is a date, it's meant to be fun!"

"Ok then, where do you wanna go next?"

"How about that one?" I pointed to a massive tower, a ride where you were brought all the way up only to be brought back down again at high speeds.

"Let's do it!"

After a few more rides, we decided to end the night with a relaxing ride, and we queued up for the ferris wheel. We hopped on and were slowly brought up, ensuring that we were able to drink in the view.

You could see for miles, with all the miniature cars zooming around on the streets down below, every person in each car going somewhere, doing something, writing their own stories of life. I leant my head on Ryan's shoulder as my eyes gazed down at the view below. If my life story was as amazing as today was, I don't think I'd mind all too much.

I closed my eyes, a small smile on my face.


A/N: Just the epilogue to go! I'm sorry if this is getting to be a horrible ending, but hopefully it isn't too bad.... anyway vote & comment and tell me your thoughts! Thanks for reading :) xx

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