Chapter 6 - Appletinis

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Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii each chapter will be dedicated to the best comment as it always is:))) enjoy!


"O God, that men should put an enemy in their mouths to steal away their brains! that we should, with joy, pleasance, revel, and applause, transform ourselves into beasts!"  ~William Shakespeare, Othello


Clara' s POV.

His touch lingered on my hand as I pulled away and ran it through my hair trying to figure out what had just happened. I cleared my throat and he swallowed hard.

"Um so..." I said awkwardly taking a shaky breath. That was somethin...

"Yeah anyways can I buy you a drink sometime, or that coffee?" He asked nervously.

I nodded and smiled,"Maybe..." was all I said before grabbing my stuff and heading out, leaving him speechless.

I didn't have much experience with guys so I was pretty shaky on that subject. Throughout high school I was always the girl who had no social life and was always studying. And Thank goodness I had met Phoebe in a chess competition a couple years back, other wise I would still be the same old me- eating Chinese take out while my aunt worked long hours at the hospital. But hey! It got me here :)

If there was one thing that Phoebe had taught me, it was to leave them wanting more. I figured that I did a swell job considering the circumstances. He was really good looking so it took a lot for me to just leave him standing there. Hopefully I got an A+ in flirting with guys...


"WHAT?!?!?!?!?" Phoebe screamed in the middle of the small restaurant, know as Ruby's Diner.

A waiter walking by shushed us. "Phoebe what is your problem?" I asked her while taking a sip of my coke. Since I didn't have any caffeine from my coffee (that unfortunately got spilled),  I decided that some soda would get me pumped up for the day.

She slammed her hands down on the table and furrowed her brows,"You met Harry Styles, he offered to take you out and all you said was 'Maybe'?!?!?!"

I shrugged and popped one of the fries in my mouth after dunking it in some ketchup. Mmm pure bliss.

"I don't know! I knew he looked kinda familiar but it didn't click! Plus you were the one who told me to leave them wanting more." I said defensively.

She huffed and took a frie,"Ugh you need some serious help in the Boy Department."

I sighed and leaned back on the red leather seat of the old booth,"Why is he so famous again?" I asked drinking again from my coke.

She rolled her eyes,"He is only in Britain's best boy band! One Direction, come on Clara!"

Then the pieces of the puzzle shifted into place and I nearly choked on my beverage. One Direction- that was the band I had to get the story for.

I coughed my drink and tried to keep my calm,"Are you okay Clara?!" Phoebe said alarmed.

I nodded,"Yeah of course why would you think that I mean it's a beautiful day isn't it and everything is just perfect I mean look at the sun it is sure shining! Pass the ketchup please!" I rambled in one breath out of nervousness.

Phoebe gave me a look,"Clara just spit it out." she said crossing her arms.

I shrugged,"It's nothing." I muttered while eating a frie.

"Fine Clara." she sighed and her phone rang silencing our debate.


"Yeah! Of course what time?"

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